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"Only two or three days, until I recover the will to do something. You're awfully kind." Io looked very young and childlike, with her languid, mobile face irradiated by the half-light of the fire. "Perhaps you'll play for me sometime." "Of course. Now, if you like. As soon as the chill gets out of my hands." "Thank you. And sing?" suggested the girl diffidently.

I speak diffidently about the income tax because one scheme for an income tax was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court; while in addition it is a difficult tax to administer in its practical working, and great care would have to be exercised to see that it was not evaded by the very men whom it was most desirable to have taxed, for if so evaded it would, of course, be worse than no tax at all; as the least desirable of all taxes is the tax which bears heavily upon the honest as compared with the dishonest man.

Whiston, waited on him with a subscription to his Shakspeare: and observing that the Doctor made no entry in any book of the subscriber's name, ventured diffidently to ask, whether he would please to have the gentleman's address, that it might be properly inserted in the printed list of subscribers.

The author too keenly feels that he has no further claims than these, and he therefore most diffidently asks for his work the indulgence of his readers. I would take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude to Dr. Klemm, Hofrath and Chief Librarian at Dresden, and to Mr.

"Yes but I do not know," said his hostess diffidently. "You see, never before have I sold dead souls." "Quite so. It would be a surprising thing if you had. But surely you do not think that these dead souls are in the least worth keeping?" "Oh, no, indeed! Why should they be worth keeping? I am sure they are not so. The only thing which troubles me is the fact that they are DEAD."

She had her way this time, and there in the mellow night-light, with soft night-noises all about them, T.O. told her stories. She had never told a story before in her life, and her voice at first stumbled diffidently, but as she went on, a queer thing happened she did not seem to be telling it herself, but the little old woman who loved Amelia seemed to be telling it!

At my outcry the dogs slunk away, and he asked me, diffidently, for a thing which was very precious in those days pins. But he was quickly surrounded by pitying eyes and emotional voices, and was coaxed into the house, where the young ladies took his coat away to mend it. While he waited for it in my room I spoke of the terror so many brave men had of these fierce home-guards.

Can you arrange it for me?" "I don't know just how I would proceed, Madam," the ambassador objected diffidently. "It would be rather unusual, difficult, I may say, and " "But surely you can arrange it some way?" she interrupted demurely. "The highest diplomatic representative of a great nation should not find it difficult to arrange so simple a matter as as this?" She was smiling.

Middleton glanced at his horn-rimmed watch. "There's another hour's good light, sir," he said. "Would you care about a partridge drive, or should we do through the home copse?" "If I might make a suggestion," Terniloff observed diffidently, "most of the pheasants went into that gloomy-looking wood just across the marshes." There was a moment's rather curious silence.

"Of course no," said Corp, "but wha is he?" "Himsel'," whispered Tommy, "the Chevalier!" Corp hesitated. "But, I thought," he said diffidently, "I thought you " "So I am," said Tommy. "But you said he hadna landed yet?" "Neither he has." "But you " "Well?" "You're here, are you no?" Tommy stamped his foot in irritation. "You're slow in the uptak," he said. "I'm no here.