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She had scarcely said the words before a wagonette was seen driving down the summer lane. Girls in different-colored dresses, with bright faces, eager eyes, suddenly appeared in view. The wagonette drew up at the gate, and Mrs. Merriman, to Lucy's disgust, went impulsively forward. "Here you all are, dears!" she said. "Oh, I am so glad to welcome you! Now, you must tell me who's who.

The Chinese, of which there are large numbers, are usually buried, but in case of a mixed marriage the children are cremated. There are many superstitions. A peculiar one in court circles is the wearing of a different-colored panung each day of the week, on Sunday, red; Monday, cream; Tuesday, purple; and so on, for good luck.

Besides his black and his brown, he had a green velveteen coat, and a different-colored flowing tie for every day in the week. His habits were in complete conformity with his philosophy of extremes. He was apt to tell me when he had been sitting up all night, whether in study or what he called wassail; but I could always guess the fact from his appearance.

That left the strata cleanly exposed, and my father noticed that near the foot of the rock there was a different-colored band. They were making camp in the snow then, but he went back afterwards when the moon rose and the Indians were asleep, and broke off a number of bits. The stones were unusually heavy. Doesn't that mean something?" "Silver has a high specific gravity; so has lead.

For myself, although I was on the threshold of the greatest adventure of my life, I was unaware of being excited I had not even "smelled" land, to say nothing of having seen it until, when it was quite dark, I descried a queerly arranged group of different-colored lights in the distance yellow, red, green, and what not. My thoughts ran instantly to Coney Island.

It was a fine and inspiriting sight, and Marcy Gray would have walked twenty miles to see it any day. "The flagship is signalling, sir," said a quartermaster who was on the bridge with him and the captain. Marcy turned about and saw a long line of different-colored streamers traveling up the Southfield's main-mast.

And without another word he went off to his laboratory and worked all night, boiling different-colored things in crucibles, and copying charms in curious twisted letters from old brown books with mold stains on their yellowy pages. The next day his plan was all arranged. He took the poor Princess to the Lone Tower, which stands on an island in the sea, a thousand miles from everywhere.

So there were fireworks and torchlight processions, and set pieces at the Crystal Palace, with "Blessings on our Prince" and "Long Live our Royal Darling" in different-colored fires; and the most private of boarding schools had a half holiday; and even the children of plumbers and authors had tuppence each given them to spend as they liked.

Seldom a day passed but each lodge-owner in camp gave from one to three feasts. In fact almost all a man did, when in camp, was to go from one of these gatherings to another. A favorite pastime in the day was gambling with a small wheel called it-se'-wah. This wheel was about four inches in diameter, and had five spokes, on which were strung different-colored beads, made of bone or horn.

I know where all my people are at each moment of time, and their positions must be determined by the logic of the picture without any reference to those who wish to hold the centre of the stage. In a certain sense you are only different-colored pigments in my hands, to be laid on to form a unified painting. You must first of all learn to subordinate yourselves to the designs of the author.