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Time has brought wisdom, and I don't see the sense of tying myself down to one particular thing and grinding away at it year after year. People of one idea get so deucedly narrow and tame, I've no patience with them. Culture is the thing, and the sort one gets by ranging over a wide field is the easiest to acquire, the handiest to have, and the most successful in the end.

Deucedly pretty!" said Carstairs. "I don't think the somewhat petty adjective 'pretty' is at all adequate," said John with dignity. "Maybe not," said Carstairs, noticing the earnest tone in his comrade's voice. "She's bound to become a splendid woman. Is Weber still with the captain?" "No, he's gone on his mission, whatever it is." "A fine night for travel," said Wharton sardonically.

Kr-kr-kr-p! and Fritz started getting busy again as an airplane hovered about, and the pace getting too deucedly hot, we started for the trenches; it was a ditch-trench half full of water which came to our waists, and in it we paddled our way until we got to a fairly good trench, and on the journey down imprecations of all kinds were hurled on the head of the offending Sergeant-Major.

And it would be extremely painful, of course, if the son of Messrs. Schlieben & Co., to whom I still count myself as belonging with the old devotion, should become common talk. Don't take it amiss, old friend. I make the boy a present of all he owes me; I am fond of him and have also been young. But I am quite pleased to have no children, it is a deucedly difficult job to train one.

Evelyn with polite words, and silencing his mother as he came up with one of those looks out of his dark eyes to which she always forgave the wilfulness for the sake of the beauty and the winning power. She was completely conquered, and stepped back with even a smile. "But, Carleton!" cried Rossitur, impatiently; "you can't ride so! you'll find it deucedly inconvenient." "Possibly," said Mr.

They say she's deucedly fond of him, though. Can't fancy disdainful Miss Mabel condescending to be deucedly fond of any one but so they tell me. And I say, Holroyd, to come back to the point, is there any reason why you should stay in town? 'None, said Holroyd, with pain ringing in his voice, 'none in the world why I should stay anywhere now. 'Well, won't you come with me?

Well, as we're all pals here and the meeting's tiled and so forth, I'll start by saying that the mater is most deucedly set on my marrying Lady Maud. Been pals all our lives, you know. Children together, and all that sort of rot.

I made my report of the state of the merchantmen loading on the south side of the island, and returned to rest, deucedly tired and stiff with my ride. Next morning Bang entered my room. "Hillo, Tom the skipper has been shouting for you this half hour get up, man get up." "My dear sir, I am awfully tired." "Oh!" sung Bang "'I have a silent sorrow here' eh?"

And she is deucedly like Blackbeard's brig." Scampering to the deck, Joe Hawkridge mustered his gun's crew as Jack Cockrell came running up to say: "Trapped on the very islet where he cast you and the other pirates! His chickens have come home to roost." "Call me no pirate or I'll stretch ye with a handspike," grinned Joe. "'Tis a plaguey poor word in this company.

"Letters!" cried Austin Lovel, with a laugh; "I never was much of a hand at letter-writing; and then I hadn't anything particularly pleasant to write about. You mustn't gauge my affection by the length of my letters, Clary. And then I have to work deucedly hard when I am at home, and have very little time for scribbling." Clarissa glanced round the room while he was speaking.