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She came forward pertly, with a young babe upon her arm. "Well, Lorency, Mr. Ware says you have made me a present since I was here?" "Yah! yah! Marse Desmit, dat I hab! Jes' de finest little nigger boy yer ebber sot eyes on. Jes' you look at him now," she continued, holding up her brighteyed pickaninny. "Ebber you see de beat ub dat?

She understands that the title held by Winburn is technically good against that of the colored man, Nimbus Desmit, providing hers is not set up. "Now she proposes that if you will satisfy Winburn and obtain a quit-claim from him to Desmit, she will make a deed in fee to Mrs.

The clerk entered the names and ages of the children on the back of the paper, with a short certificate that they were present, and were acknowledged as the children, and the only ones, of the parties named in the instrument. And so the slave Nimbus was transformed, first into the "contraband" and mercenary soldier George Nimbus, and then by marriage into Nimbus Desmit.

It was soon reported that Jackson had met him at Washington; that Nimbus Desmit had also arrived there; that the whole party had been closeted with this and that leading "Radical"; and that the poor, stricken, down-trodden South the land fairest and richest and poorest and most peaceful and most chivalric, the most submissive and the most defiant; in short, the most contradictory in its self-conferred superlatives that this land of antipodal excellences must now look for new forms of tyranny and new measures of oppression.

I hain't got no larnin'. Ef you please, sah." The clerk, knowing it to be the quickest way to get rid of them, read rapidly over the certificate that Nimbus and Lugena Desmit had been duly registered as husband and wife, under the provisions of an ordinance of the Convention ratified on the -day of , 1865. "So you's done put in dat name Desmit?" "Oh, I just had to, Nimbus.

He smiled meaningly and turned hastily away, when Nimbus, forgetting his own elation, said, in tones of earnest feeling: "I declar, Marse Desmit, I'se sorry fer you I is dat; an' I hopes yer'll come outen dis yer trouble a heap better nor yer's lookin' for." Then they separated the one to treasure his apples of Sodom, the other to nourish the memory of his shame. "Come at once; Oscar very low."

"Can I see the General, gentlemen?" asked Desmit, with a growing feeling that he had taken the wrong course to accomplish his end. The crowd of "bummers" constantly grew larger.

Neither have had any children for several years, and are yet strong, healthy women, who will bring nearly as much as the girl Lugena. I shall make up a gang to go South in charge of Winburn next week. You may send them over to Louisburg on Monday. You had better give Nimbus the empty house near the tobacco-barn. We need a trusty man there. Respectfully, P. DESMIT.

Caps were thrown into the air, voices grew hoarse with shouting; frantic gesticulation, tearful eyes and laughter, yells, inane antics, queer combinations of sacrilegious oaths and absurd embraces were everywhere to be seen and heard. "Who is that?" asked Desmit of the Irishman, near whom he had kept, pointing to the leading man of the group under the tree.

Potetsatem Desmit was no coward, and his gold-headed cane made the acquaintance of the Dutchman's poll before he had time to utter a word of protestation. It was all over in a minute, then. There was a rush and a scramble. The old man was dragged out of his carriage, fighting manfully but vainly. Twenty hands laid hold upon him.