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When I reached the front, one of the dancing-girls was posturing before the entrance, and a new voice was calling the crowd to "come and see and admire the only original," etc; and, sir, there upon the upper step, exhorting the public, was Delbras himself. 'The clever rascal! I exclaimed. 'You may well say so. Well, sir, it did not take me long to do my thinking.

For this purpose it would be well, I knew, to take them first upon separate charges. Greenback Bob, I decided, should be arrested upon the charge of counterfeiting, with no specified dates or names. Delbras we would charge with an attempt to pass counterfeit money, or with the attempt to swindle Farmer Camp. Smug should figure as a confidence man.

Once and again I had tried to interfere in Lossing's behalf, but the effort seemed useless, until, as the screams from below ceased suddenly, I sprang past the two, and, turning suddenly, struck at Delbras with my clubbed pistol.

'Dave, old man, don't ask me any questions yet as to how it's to be done, but I believe that before this World's Fair closes you and I will have gotten Delbras and Bob out of mischief's way, settled the brunette problem, and thrown light on the diamond robbery. 'And how about that lost young Englishman, Sir Carroll Rae, and missing Gerald Trent? I turned and faced him.

We might believe him to be the originator of, and prime mover in, the Lausch diamond robbery, but the only shadow of corroboration was our belief based upon the fact of Dave's having seen the three together that they were 'partners, and that Delbras was credited with being an expert diamond thief.

It was by my proposal to bring the physician whom at an early morning hour I had summoned to see Trent to pass judgment upon 'Missis Susie' also, that I won the negress to tell me something about Trent; how at early evening he was brought in by Bob and Delbras, whom she called Hector, and whom she evidently both feared and hated; how a physician was called, as the young man was insensible, and how, fortunately for them, he continued delirious for three weeks and more while the two wounds on his head, both serious ones, were healing; how the 'gang' had deliberately taken the risk of keeping him until he had so far recovered as to be beyond the danger-line, knowing that they could not safely negotiate the return to his family of a prisoner who might die perhaps while the negotiations were pending.

Once in the very centre of the big Turkish bazaar where everything was sold, and which was extended from time to time out of all proportion to its original size where, too, I had been arrested and ignominiously marched away, to be rescued by Dave Brainerd I caught a glimpse of Delbras, this time in full Turkish costume, and minus the beard and smoked glasses.

To come down to facts, now, you and I came here expecting to find Greenback Bob, didn't we? 'Yes, of course. 'And we have good reason to believe that Delbras is also here. Not much miracle about that, you'll admit. 'No, I assented, knowing that he must reach his climax in his own way. 'No; I should say so! But here is a miracle, a regular White City miracle.

The only time when Delbras was seen to blench or to appear other than the stolid, sullen, and silent criminal was when Miss Jenrys, accompanied by her aunt, was obliged to appear and identify him as the man who had masqueraded as Monsieur Voisin. Then, indeed, his dark face paled, his eyes fell before hers, and he turned away with bowed head.

We found many things in Midway, but neither Greenback Bob nor his friend Delbras. 'I tell you, Dave had said on the previous night, when we were discussing our failure and its probable reasons 'I tell you, Carl, these men began their business in Midway I'm sure of it; and I solemnly believe that you're the fellow that scared them away. 'I, indeed how?