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Anthony uttered a curious, choking exclamation, and gathered her gently in his arms. When he looked up, his eyes were wet and his deep-lined face was working. "I couldn't wait any longer," he apologized humbly to his son. "I had to come and see her." "Ah, then I hope you will like me," she said in her grave, quaint way.

Tranced, "indifferent to Fate," the adventurers peered on greater wealth of jewels than ever elsewhere in this world's history had been garnered in one place. The liquid light of the hoard flashed strange radiances on their tanned, deep-lined faces, now smeared with sweat and dust, with powder-grime and blood.

I want you to; you see I have so much to ask and so much to tell Captain Fraser here, and three of my days are gone already. Besides, I want you to awfully." Mrs. Vincent looked at his face, which for all its brightness was worn and deep-lined, and her compassionate motherly heart was stirred. "Of course we'll come. We want to see you and to hear about your experiences." "Oh, bully!" cried Barry.

There were no beans. And, the dogs howled always, and there were flat bellies and deep-lined faces, and strong men became weak, and weak men died. There was also much scurvy. "Then came we together in the store one night, and the empty shelves made us feel our own emptiness the more.

I was inclined to resent this, but something in the deep-lined face of the invalid softened me. Besides, I had taken a hearty liking to the old pig. "I don't want any mawkish sentiment about it," he said, observing me closely; "I won't permit anybody to feel sorry for me do you understand?"

Then he studied the deep-lined face of the toil-worn woman before him, remembered her soups and loaves of new baking, and felt spring up in him the warmest gratitude and philanthropy. "Maria," he exclaimed suddenly. "What would you like to have?" She looked at him, bepuzzled. "What would you like to have now, right now, if you could get it?" "Shoe alla da roun' for da childs seven pairs da shoe."

Her face was as grave as if she had been looking at her executioner, while his was adjusted to the intention of soothing and propitiating her. Once a handsome face, with bright color, it was now sallow and deep-lined, and had that peculiar impress of impudent suavity which comes from courting favor while accepting disrespect.

Mother! My little mother you're sick, you're really sick, and I didn't know and I spoke so harshly. Oh, what is it, what is it, mother dear?" "Bad cold," Mrs. Golden whispered. "I started coughing last night I closed the door you didn't hear me; you were in the other room " Another cough wheezed dismally, shook her, gurgled in her yellow deep-lined neck. "C-could I have window closed now?" "No.

With that the youngster was silent and drew himself up with stiff dignity, offended yet fascinated; unable to tear himself away from this strange giant who was so insultingly kind under his abuse, who yet inspired him with such a sense of trust and of hope. "I want a lawyer," he said impulsively, looking up anxiously into the deep-lined face inches above him.

I think these things and the Sphinx yields up his secret the open secret of the Ghetto parvenu. But as I look again upon his strange Eastern face, so deep-lined, so haggard, something subtler and finer calls to me from the ruins of its melancholy beauty.