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Kinzer knew what she was about. She had provided luncheon for most of that party before, and the effect on them of the sea-air was also to be taken into account. "Dab," said Ford Foster, "you've forgotten to unhitch the 'Jenny, Here she is, towing astern." "That's all right. We may need her. She's too heavy to be taken on board." A careful fellow was Mr.

That was a capital school for it, at all events; and they learned that it might be a good thing for a little lake like that to have a bad reputation. "Fished out years ago. I understand now," said Dab. "Understand what?" "Why, those fellows in the village that sent me out here were playing a joke on us, a good deal like one of Joe and Fuz Hart's." "Best kind of a joke.

The words she really uttered were somewhat more formal; but the good, quiet-looking little minister and very quiet-looking little wife were still shaking hands with Dick, that is, with his right hand, when he turned almost eagerly, and caught hold of Dab Kinzer with his left. "Yes, sir, an' dis is Cap'n Dab I mean, this is my friend Mr. Dabney Kinzer, of Long Island, de bes' " "How do you do, Mr.

The remaining days of their visit would have been altogether too few for the varied entertainments he laid out for them, in his own mind, by way of reparation for his unlucky "practical joke." They were to catch all there was in the bay. They were to ride everywhere. They were to be shown every thing there was to see. "They don't deserve it, Dab," said Ford; "but you're a real good fellow.

Hence, by another easy step, clay unmixed with a grit-tempering, made into a thin paste with water, and thickly applied to the half-dried jar with a dab or brash of soft fiber, gave a beautifully smooth surface, especially if polished afterward by rubbing with water-worn pebbles.

"Well, if it's good for water-soaked people, I guess it can't hurt the fish." "Empty it, Dab. Empty it, and come along. The doctor wasn't so far wrong, and I was glad to have it with me. Seemed to do some of 'em a power of good. But medicine's medicine, and I only wish some people I know of would remember it." "Some of 'em do a good deal of that kind of doctoring."

That's me gift to her an' Hilton, an' no other. An' a dab wid red wax it shall have, an' what more be the word o' Freddy Tarlton the lawyer?" "You're a great man," said Pierre with a touch of gentle irony, for his natural malice had no play against the huge ex-king of his own making.

"Ice!" said Frank Harley. "Sawdust!" shouted Ford. "Fish!" said Dabney. "Clams, oysters, crabs, lobsters." Dick Lee had gazed in absolute silence up to that very moment; and all he could say now was, "Ah-h-h! O-h-h-h! Jes' ain't dey fine!" "Boys," said Dab, with a sort of loving look at the contents of that box, "do you suppose we can eat those fellows?" "Eat 'em!" exclaimed Ford.

His education is all arranged for in advance and he merely rides thru and receives it. There is a row of professors with their sleeves rolled up who give him the degrees. So as Mr. T. Steer of Panhandle goes riding thru on that endless cable from his A-B-C's to his eternal cold storage, each professor hits him a dab. He rides along from department to department until he is canned.

"Well, come!" said a little Bantam hen, who had newly arrived; "whichever hen told it, the cock must have told it first." "What's that ridiculous nonsense your talking?" cried the cock; and he ran at her and pecked her well with his beak. "Oh! oh! oh!" cried the Bantam. Dab, dab, dab, pecked the cock. "Now! has anybody else got anything to say on the subject?" But nobody had.