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Riding another car, Nakula, that bull among car-warriors, and Sahadeva of great energy, those two brothers, those two crushers of foes, both endued with great might, then proceeded towards Bhima, borne by steeds of the utmost fleetness. Indeed, the brothers having together repaired to Bhimasena's division, took up their places there."

Lord Arranmore. whose appetite had soon failed him, leaned back in his chair and watched the people in the further room. "This rather puts me off politics," he remarked, after a while. "I don't like the look of the people." "Oh, you'll get in for the select crushers," Mr. Hennibul said. "This is a rank and file affair. You mustn't judge by appearances. But why must you specialize? Take my advice.

Nevertheless the Babes, as the Gaynes brothers were speedily nicknamed, paid over their good thousand for Barney's worthless prospect with the imposing but ridiculous stamp-mill. There they set cheerfully to work. After a week's desperate and clanking experiment they got the machinery under way and began to run rock through the crushers. "It ain't even ore!" expostulated California John.

One large gang is busy cutting the tall cane with sharp, sword-like knives; some are loading the stalks upon ox-carts; some are driving loads to the mill; some feeding the cane between the great steel crushers, beneath which pours forth a ceaseless jelly-like stream, to be conducted by iron pipes to the boilers; men, women, and children are spreading the crushed refuse to dry in the sun, after which it will be used for fuel.

The grind, grind, grind of the mammoth crushers, which sound as a perpetual monotone to the townspeople, is lost on the ears of Ethel and Harvey. Not until they reach the center of the town do they realize they are at the end of their ride. "We never rode those five miles so quickly before," says Ethel. "O, yes we have.

Those mules have been used on crushers in the mines. Any one could see that by watching them mill about in a circle " "Five hundred dollars," broke in the owner. "Nothing doing, sir," answered Tad. "Four hundred even." "I'll make it four-fifty-five and not a cent less." "Come along, fellows.

This operation is repeated over and over again; but the stuff which is fine enough to go to the concentrator is removed by sieving after each operation of the kind; and the successive rolls or other crushers are set to a finer and finer gauge, so that there is a progressive approach to the conditions of coarse sand, which is that specially desired by the ore-dresser.

"We got so tired of the whole business, and the farmers around here spent so much time in discussing the art of roadmaking, as to whether it should be viewed from the engineering point of view, or the farmers' practical point of view, and whether we would require this number of stump extractors or that number, and how many shovels and crushers and ditchers would be necessary to keep our roads in order, and so on, that we simply withdrew.

Lucien pulled my coat, to call my attention to the fact that the lad had only one arm. "How did you lose your left arm, pobricito?" I asked. "Between the crushers, señor." "Was it your own fault?" "Alas! yes. My father looked after the machine, and I helped him to drive the oxen; and he had forbidden my going near the cylinders.

The Household, present and absent, were heavily hit. They cared little for the "crushers" they incurred, but their champion's failure, when he was in the face of Europe, cut them more terribly.