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Hemmingway, isn't the young man somewhere about the place?" "Good night!" I gasps. "Me!" "Well, I like that!" says Vee, givin' me a pinch. "Take it back," says I. "If it's a case of us goin', that's different. But what a bunch to go cruisin' with!" And say, when I'm led out and introduced, I must have acted like I was in a trance. I got it so sudden, you see, and so unexpected.

Here we are clear of ice, and I'm thinkin' there'll soon be signs of fish down at the tickle. To-morrow marnin', and the weather holds fine, we'll be cruisin' down. In another week, or fortnight, whatever, the mail boat'll be comin' and blowin' her whistle in the offing.

"Mizza snared rabbits and I stole back my musket when we ran away and did some shooting long as powder lasted " "And then?" "And then we used bow and arrow. We hid in the bush till the hostiles quit cruisin'; but the spring storms caught us when we started for the coast. I s'pose I'm a better sailor on water than land, for split me for a herring if my eyes didn't go blind from snow!

"I'm afeard," says Cap'n Ambuster, "that, when I git a harnsome new skiff, I shall want a harnsome new steamboat, and then the boat will go to cruisin' round for a harnsome new Cap'n." And now for the end of this story. Healthy love-stories always end in happy marriages.

He entered the kitchen and tossed the hat into a corner. "Well!" he exclaimed. "Why don't you act surprised to see a feller? Here I've been cruisin' from the Horn to Barnegat and back again, and you act as if I'd just dropped in to fetch the cup of molasses I borrowed yesterday. What do you mean by it?" "Oh, I heard you'd made port." "Did, hey? That's Trumet, sure pop. You ain't the only one.

We was all becalmed, on a mornin' much like this, not far off the Borkum Reef, when our skipper jumped into the boat, ordered my friend Sterlin' an' me into it, an' went off cruisin'. We visited one or two smacks, the skippers o' which were great chums of our skipper, an' he got drunk there. Soon after, a stiff breeze sprang up, an' the admiral signalled to bear away to the nor'-west'ard.

What was left of the doughnuts and cheese we had for breakfast. "We made the dock on time, and the next thing was to pick out a hotel. I was for cruisin' along some of the main streets until we hove in sight of a place that looked sociable and not too expensive. But no; Jonadab had it all settled for me.

"Fourteen years ago there was a ship cruisin' in the Pacific, jest off this range, that was ez nigh on to a Hell afloat as anything rigged kin be. If a chap managed to dodge the cap'en's belayin-pin for a time, he was bound to be fetched up in the ribs at last by the mate's boots.

A certain intensity in his large grey eyes gave character to a face that was otherwise quite insignificant. You could see he was a good man. "Did 'ee see that dainty frigate go cruisin' by, two hour agone?" "No." "Then ye missed a sweet pretty sight. Thirty guns, I do b'lieve, an' all sail set. I cou'd a'most count her guns, she stood so close." "Hey?"

Had Ernie just been stallin' me off tryin' to establish an alibi? Or was it a case of poor memory? No, that didn't seem likely. She wasn't the kind of a female party a man could forget easy, if he'd ever really known her. Specially a gink like Ernie who'd had such a limited experience. Nor she wasn't the type that would go out cruisin' in a cab after perfect strangers. Not her.