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Barr," rejoined the Frenchman, "that I had found a man who would do what we want. I told you that over the 'phone last night, you recollect." "Oh, yes, I recollect," croaked the old man impatiently, "but he doesn't seem to have done much. You are sure we have no other dangerous rivals?" "Quite," was the reply.

'It is I, croaked the little frog; and as the knife touched him he was a man again, and, springing up, he clasped her in his arms. 'But we must not forget the others, she said at last, and began to transform the fishes to their proper shapes. There were so many of them that it took quite a long time.

"These were heard by the anxious, heart-sick watchers at home, and, as old Peg stumbled wearily up the hill, father came running down to meet us. 'Where you be'n? he demanded, his face pale and stern in the light of his lantern. 'We be'n to the county fair! croaked gran'ther with a last flare of triumph, and fell over sideways against me.

You'll pay the bond now, I suppose, to save us trouble afterwards. 'Oh what a man you are! croaked Arthur. 'Why not? said Ralph. 'Nobody will pay you interest for the money, I suppose, between this and twelve o'clock; will they? 'But nobody would pay you interest for it either, you know, returned Arthur, leering at Ralph with all the cunning and slyness he could throw into his face.

I wish I could make vivid the panorama we saw from this vantage-ground the desert in the foreground, and far away against the sky the curiously carved pink and purple and lilac mountains, while immediately below us lay the dry river-bed over which a gaunt raven flew and croaked ominously, and a little beyond rose the various buttes, mauve and terra-cotta colored, from whose sides and at whose bases projected the petrified trees.

"What is't ye want?" she demanded, with a raven-like croak. "Mr. Peacock has given this lady and myself permission to go over the house," responded Lucian, trying to pass. "And how do I know if he did?" grumbled Mrs. Kebby, blocking the way. "Because I tell you so." "And because I am the daughter of Mr. Vrain," said Diana, stepping forward. "Lord love ye, miss! are ye?" croaked Mrs.

'Well, then, tell us thy name, old man, said Balin, laughing at his obstinacy. 'At this time I will not tell you, croaked the old fellow, stumbling under his pack. 'I doubt that great pack hath many rich things that never owned thee master, said Balan with a laugh. 'It is full evil seen, said Balin, 'that thou art a true honest man, when thou wilt not tell thy name.

"Let me take that curious thing," said the princess, reaching out her hand for the spindle. Then for the first time the old woman lifted her ugly face. She rose quickly from her chair. She thrust the spindle into the girl's hand. She opened her wicked old lips. "Take it," she croaked, "and may death go with it!"

So soon as my grand-uncle set eyes on me he frowned darkly, his hollow eyes had an angry glare and, without answering my good-day, he croaked at me: "You hoped that the old man might have passed away into eternity or ever you set forth on your wild adventure? Hah, hah But you are mistaken.

I felt his eyes peering at me through the dusk. "He seems very young to be a trustworthy witness," croaked this old gentleman in a voice which seemed to be affected by the night air. "He's right enough," Mr. Rogers answered cheerfully. "He shall tell his tale, then, in Mr. Whitmore's presence.