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Updated: August 22, 2024

The old man let them enter and closed the door behind them. "How's your parrot?" asked Ted, conversationally. Old Joe looked surprised, but he answered courteously, "Polly is well, as usual." "What kind of a bird is he?" "A parrot, sir." "I don't mean that. Is he honest or or gives to thievery?" "Oh, sir, he's the thievingest beast in the world, that he is!

"Then he'll really be the big, fine man he's capable of being, and will forget all this conspiracy nonsense." Thus Hanlon felt he was taking no special chance one night when the two were standing on the little porch of the office, their game ended, and Hanlon about to leave. He glanced up at the brilliant night sky. "Sure looks different here than it does back on Terra," he said conversationally.

Then Laurie reëntered the room, pushing the secretary before him. At present the youth looked anything but meek. His blond hair was on end, his tie was under one ear, his pale eyes were bright with anger, and he moved spasmodically, propelled by jerks from behind. "I don't like this young man," said Laurie, conversationally. "I never have.

I cared not a bit for Julian's sneers; for the smell of the flesh-pots of Kensington had laid hold of my soul, and I was resolved to make the most of the respite which my system gave me. "What salon is to have the honour today?" he asked, spreading himself on my sofa. "I'm going to the Gunton-Cresswells," I replied. Julian slowly sat up. "Ah?" he said conversationally.

Sometimes when I have passed them on my way to the croquet lawn I have really seen them both look as absorbed as people in a play. Of course it is very good for papa. It has had quite a marked effect on his digestion. But isn't it odd!" "I wish," Lady Edith remarked almost wistfully, "that I could get on better with him myself conversationally.

Nitschkan conversationally, filling a short and stubby black pipe with loose tobacco from the pocket of her coat. "For one, I got converted." "Ah!" returned Gallito with his unvarying courtesy, although his raised eyebrows showed some perplexity, "to to a religion?" "'Course." Mrs. Nitschkan leaned forward, her arms upon her knees.

But it would be little credit to the robber; they think the brigands are afraid to enter the town, so they don't take many precautions." Diana treasured up every word of this. Presently the old woman, finding her guest was not conversationally inclined, went out again, and Diana was left alone.

And yet.... It seems to me I've thought," said Cally, somewhat less conversationally, "that life, for a woman, especially, is something like one of those little toy theatres you've seen them? where pasteboard actors slide along in little grooves when you pull their strings. They move along very nicely, and you you might think they were going in that direction just because they wanted to.

This all seemed inexplicable, till at last there proved to be an historical kernel to the nut. The Portuguese, and to some extent the Spaniards, have kept nearer to the primitive usage which made the personal name the important one and the patronymic quite secondary. John Smith is not known conversationally as Mr. Smith, but as Mr. John, Senhor João.

Immediately they advanced and Hilliard accosted him. "Good-morning. We are looking for Mr. Coburn. Is he about?" "No, monsieur," the man answered civilly, "he has gone into Bordeaux. He won't be back until the afternoon." "That's unfortunate for us," Hilliard returned conversationally. "My friend and I were passing up the river on our launch, and we had hoped to have seen him.

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