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A cry from the peon outside, succeeded by expostulations, as if he was struggling to escape his voice commingled with shrill screams from Conchita are sounds almost simultaneous. Don Valerian strides back into the room and lays hold of his sword, the doctor clutching at the first weapon that presents itself. But weapons are of no avail where there are not enough hands to wield them.

That is beyond their power, even if he should ever reach there. I fear he never will perhaps, none of us." "Santissima! What do you mean, senorita? Surely these men will not murder us on the way?" "They are capable of doing that anything. Ah! Conchita, you do not know them. I am in as much danger as my brother, for I shall choose death rather than "

Though far off, its master, Frank Hamersley, is near. Near, also, in the court-yard below is Walt Wilder, in his grotesque way playing Benedict to Conchita. While up and down moves the doctor, sharing the general joy. Outside, upon the plain, the white tilts of twenty waggons, with the smoke of camp-fires rising over them, tell of a trader's caravan.

To walk in the orange-groves by moonlight, ah! that is heaven! One night last month we slipped out, Conchita and I, and you must never breathe this, Marguerite and met my brother and Fernando beneath the great orange-tree in the south grove " "Your brother!" exclaimed Margaret. "You never told me you had a brother, Rita!" "Hush! I have so much the habit of silence about him. He is with the army.

Console yourself with the reflection that if he were, our father and the priests, and the Governor himself, would die of apoplexy. He is a heretic a member of the Greek Church! Hast thou lost thy reason, Conchita?

The sacrifice is not permitted, though the soldiers have no hand in hindering it. Dismayed or careless, they sit in their saddles without thought of interfering. But between their files rushes a form in whose heart is more of humanity. The intruder is Conchita opportune to an instant. Two seconds more, and the fratricidal sword would have bereft her of a mistress and a master, both alike beloved.

The stream, here and there falling in cataracts, does something to deaden them. Only now and then there is the neigh of a horse, and intermittently the bark of one of the bloodhounds, as if these animals had yielded, but yet remain hostile to the intruders. They hear human voices, too, but no shout following that of Chico, and no scream save the one sent up by Conchita.

He has ruined his master and many others beside, but this will not win him the love of Conchita. The spectators feel somewhat relieved as Colonel Miranda comes in sight. Still more as the march brings him nearer, and it can be seen that he sits his horse with no sign of having received any injury; and neither has Don Prospero.

We will try another style. Ten, twenty ways of dressing hair I know. Often and often Conchita and I have spent a whole day dressing each other's hair, trying this effect, that effect. Ah, the superb hair that Conchita has; it sweeps the floor, and soft ah, as a bat's wool!"

They went, and Conchita and I go fainting, dying, into the house. Three days after comes my uncle's letter, behold me here! Marguerite, this is my story. Preserve it in your bosom, it is a sacred confidence." Margaret hardly knew whether she were in real life, or in a theatre.