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Valentine, who was intensely, but sometimes almost coldly, artistic, appreciated it, he said, because it did not obviously endeavour to work out a problem or to teach a lesson.

We old Texans love to talk about our adventures and our old comrades, and the home folks have long ago learned to run when we begin with 'Once upon a time, so we have to spin our yarns to the stranger within our gates." The major smiled, but the examiner only bowed coldly, and abruptly quitted the bank.

For of course so long as a sitter is coldly self-conscious, and fully mindful that he is "being took," his countenance is as stiff, awkward, and constrained as that of a farmer at a dinner-party. Hence the task devolves upon the portrait-artist to bring out, by the magic of his presence, the nature of the subject.

Then he called Everard aside, and cautioned him, "it is a hazardous thing to move her at all, and requires very nice management," he said. "It should not be attempted," returned Everard coldly, "she is only fit to be in bed." "The doctor smiled incredulously, keep her there and you would soon finish her, and she would be only too content to do it." "You are severe Dr.

"So he had found out my name, assuredly not by accident, and the fact angered me, perhaps unreasonably. "'I have heard of Mr. Jolliffe's death, I replied coldly, 'if that is what you have to tell me. "'I thought, he rejoined, with assurance, 'it quite possible you might not have heard so soon.

She would drift on, never submerged by any passion, keeping her head calmly above water, looking coldly at the interminable sea. This was her conviction, but she was not without a secret hope that she might at last be carried to some unknown island, odorous, surprising and her own, where she would, for the first time, experience some kind of excess. The little dinner was duly given to the Sales.

"To-morrow," said Quarrier, rising to go. It was on the edge of Plank's lips to say, "to-day!" but he was silent, knowing that Harrington would speak for him. And the old man did, without words, turning his iron visage on Quarrier with the silent dignity of despair. But Quarrier coldly demanded a day before they reckoned with Plank.

"How did you know?" asked Virginia, as coldly as though she had not heard her. "Has it got into the papers?" For an instant Susan's pity struggled against her loyalty. "General Goode told me that there had been a good deal about Oliver and and Miss Oldcastle in the New York papers for several days," she answered, "and this morning a few lines were copied in the Dinwiddie Bee.

I come; your uncle knows I am not so unobservant as you, and Mr. Talboys is kept out of sight." "The proof that my uncle has deceived me," said Lucy, coldly, and with lofty incredulity. "Read that note from Miss Dodd!" "What! you in correspondence with Miss Dodd?" "That is to say, she has thrust herself into correspondence with me just like her assurance."

Bowring repeated the word, but said nothing more, and her still, blue eyes wandered from her daughter's face and again fixed themselves on an imaginary point of the far southern distance. "At least," said Clare, "I was always taught so." She smiled again, rather coldly, as though admitting that such teaching might not be infallible after all.