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"I have loved you so much, Howard, oh, so much!" and the white clammy fingers, so soon to be laid away beneath the summer flowers, strayed lovingly through the raven locks of her husband, who could answer only with his tears, which fell fast upon her face.

Peas were shot from unknown recesses at venerable canons, mice darted out before shrieking ladies, frogs' clammy forms descended on the nape of their necks, hedgehogs were curled up on their chairs, and though Peregrine Oakshott was not often caught in the act, no mischief ever took place that was not attributed to him; and it was popularly believed in the Close that his father flogged him every morning for what he was about to do, and his tutor repeated the castigation every evening for what he had done, besides interludes at each detection.

Its cold and clammy touch sent an icy thrill to her heart Then she bent her ear to catch even the feeblest breath but she could distinguish none. "He is dead!" she murmured, sinking down and burying her face in the bed-clothes. The cup of their sorrow was, at last, full full and running over!

"No help for it," David muttered. "I must chance my luck. I never saw a dog yet that I was afraid of. Well, here goes." He scrambled over the wall and dropped on the moist, clammy earth on the other side. He fumbled forward a few steps, and then stopped suddenly, brought up all standing by the weird scene which was being solemnly enacted under his astonished eyes.

In its gloomy depth dark figures were swarming; nearer, close to flickering lights, were visible faces, pale, terrified, hungry, and cadaverous, with eyes dim, or else flaming with fever, with lips blue, with streams of sweat on their foreheads, and with clammy hair. In corners the sick were moaning loudly; some begged for water; others, to be led to death.

Around his heart a horrid clammy chill began to settle. Sickeningly through his brain a dozen recent financial transactions began to rehearse themselves. "You mean, Miss Malgregor," he said a bit brokenly. "You mean that I haven't been generous enough with you?" "Yes, sir," faltered the White Linen Nurse.

The Good Intent took another lurch forward, and a clammy sweat broke out on both sides of his forehead. "If I have enemies so wicked," sighed he, "may God forgive them!" And, uttering this Christian wish, he fell forward with his forehead against the boards. A little past noon the sentry brought him a fresh loaf, with a plate of fat bacon and another pannikin.

I was blinded; but, even in the darkness, I struck with fatal precision. I felt the resistance, I heard the groan and the falling body; and my hair rose, with a cold, moist life of its own, upon my clammy and shrinking temples. I recovered from the delusion.

The fire had gone entirely out; she could not even see the outlines of the Gothic windows; all was black as Tartarus. But still oh, horror! she felt the cold damp form pressing close beside her. A speechless, breathless awe possessed her. She could not scream, but she cautiously put out her hand to make sure whether she was dreaming, when horror upon horror! it touched a clammy face!

His feet had scarcely touched the pavement before he felt on his face the cold touch of the clammy air, like an underground vault. In the church it was still dark, but above the stained glass of the hundreds of different-sized windows glowed in the early dawn, looking like magic flowers opening with the first splendours of day.