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"You had a glance at them in the boats, though the darkness and fog were rather too thick for you to count them," replied Lonley, chuckling over the deception he had practised upon the lieutenant of the Bellevite. "Yes, I saw them, and I concluded that they could not be where their bags were." "All is fair in war."

A handsome vicar was he, square-shouldered, fresh coloured, always blessing and chuckling, preferred weddings and christenings to funerals, a good joker, pious in Church, and a man in everything.

"De Launay?" he called again. The figure seemed to grow suddenly nearer and more distinct, descending close upon him. "It ain't no Delonny," chuckled a shrill voice. "It's me." "Huh!" said Dave, with disgust. "Jim Banker, the damned old desert rat!" "Reckon you ain't so glad to see me," wheezed Jim, still chuckling. "Old Jim's always around, though; always around when there's gold huntin' to do.

"Well, Alick, what did they say?" asked Tom, as he returned on board. Alick described what had happened, and did not fail to repeat Miss Angelica's message to Lieutenant Blewitt. "I would rather not deliver it myself. Perhaps you will, sir, as it may appear somewhat disrespectful coming from me," added the midshipman. "All right," said Tom, chuckling. "I'll take care he gets it."

As he spoke, without farther ceremony he shut the door in the stranger's face, and then returned to his own abode in the back part of the house, chuckling as he went, and murmuring to himself, "I think I have paid him now for throwing me into the horsepond, for just telling a little bit of a lie about Ellen, the laundry maid. He thought I had forgotten him! Ha! ha! ha!"

He sauntered over to a chair, placed it where he could see his horse, and took things easy. The bartender returned with several men at his heels, and all were grinning and joking. They took up their places against the bar and indulged in frequent fits of chuckling, not letting their eyes stray from the man in the chair and the open street through the door, where the auction was to be held.

There was a low chuckling sound such as might have been emitted by a good-humoured porpoise which had just ended one of its underwater curves, and thrust its head above the surface to take a good deep breath before it turned itself over and dived down again. "Second natur', youngster, and that's use.

Wood, chuckling; "but they're mighty cute at pretending they're dead. I once shot one in the morning, carried him a long way on my shoulders, and started to skin him in the afternoon, when he turned around and bit me enough to draw blood. At another time I dug one out of a hole in the ground.

He was afraid, exceedingly afraid; though that was not why he waited; and he was still chuckling over the assault of the axes. His situation had not much the advantage of that of the chief: his red shirt might have been set with orange jewels, so studded it was with the flying sparks; and, a large brand dropping upon his helmet, he threw up his hand to dislodge it and lost the helmet.

Bloss was in serious apprehension of her chuckling herself into a fit. ‘Well, I never!’ said Mrs. Bloss. ‘Yes. And please, ma’am, the servants gives him gin-and-water sometimes; and then he cries, and says he hates his wife and the boarders, and wants to tickle them.’ ‘Tickle the boarders!’ exclaimed Mrs. Bloss, seriously alarmed. ‘No, ma’am, not the boarders, the servants.’