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The apparent difference was ascribed by Prof. Bache to the irregular distribution of the drops of rain and flakes of snow, exposed, as they are, to local disturbances by the currents of air around the corners of buildings or other accidents of the surface. This consideration much increases the importance of great care in the selection of positions for rain-gauges. But Mr.

Jibing, that is changing the boom and sail when tacking, requires the greatest care, particularly if the wind is stiff, and beginners should never be permitted to attempt it. Where the water is apt to be rough, the sail of every boat should be provided with reefing points that is little ropes. They are on both sides of the sail. The sail is rolled up from the bottom and tied down to the boom.

She peered into Ignacio's face. Its Indian impassivity was gone. His lips were twitching; his eyes were burning points between half-closed lids. "Why?" she asked. "How?" "I know. I watch him. I have seen a mountain lion asleep in a tree. His paw is like velvet. He smiles. There seems no fight in him. I know. There is a devil, a big devil, in Señor Don't Care.

"Take care and get a good footing, carpenter," said the captain, in a kinder tone than common, "before you let go with your hands; but I suppose you can swim, as a matter of course?" "No, sir, not a stroke I never could make out in the water at all." "Have the more 'care, then. Had I known as much, I would have sent another hand down; but mind your footing. More to the left, man more to the left.

You're not a bad-lookin' woman yourself if you wasn't so white." "Do let us understand each other," I said. "I told your son from the first that I did not care for him. My grandmother was old and dying. We had no relations to depend upon.

He was allers a hankerin' arter seein' the world, 'n' he went off an' stayed off a right smart while, nine or ten year, 'n' lived in all sorts o' ways in them big cities. When he come back he was a sight to see, sick 'n' pore 'n' holler-eyed, but as wicked as ever. Dusk was a little thing 'n' he was a old man, but he'd laugh 'n' tell her to take care of her face 'n' be a smart gal.

He is not like you, darling you take care of and nurse your poor old father. Has he come in yet?" "Not yet; he never gets home until almost morning, and is then often fearfully intoxicated." The old man shook his head, and muttered, "The sins of the fathers shall what is that? Did you hear that noise? hush!"

The new plebes had now drawn their uniforms and rapidly learned the care of these parts of the soldier's wardrobe. They were also taught the proper occasions for wearing each article of uniform. Academic studies had now begun in earnest too.

She has a home of her own, simple, but complete; is earning an income sufficient to take care of herself, and has besides, a little money, every cent of which she gives away, however; and, above all, she has the power of making people love her. What more could a girl want?" "Is it enough?" "Quite enough!" Miss Gibbie's eyes flashed into John Maxwell's. "Why not enough?

But Harry would not be beaten. He appealed to the patriotism of his countrymen, placed his fortune at the service of the cause, built a ship, and manned it with a picked crew, and leaving his children to the care of his old cousin set off to explore the great islands of the Pacific.