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Notwithstanding these perturbed and cantankerous circumstances, these two people, being young and naturally sleepy, slept. How long he had been sleeping Edwin did not know, when he awoke suddenly, as if he had been startled by some noise. However, he might have been dreaming: he did not know.

Considering the recent progress of these regions that has led to a security and prosperity formerly undreamed of, one is driven to the conjecture that these words can only have been penned by some cantankerous churl of an emigrant returning to his native land after an easeful life in New York and compelled "for his sins," as he would put it to reside at the "Hotel Vittoria."

Malemute Kid had caught Belden's eye, and he, scenting the wind, replied evasively, 'A right peart while back. 'Come, my man; speak up, the policeman admonished. 'Yeh seem to want him right smart. Hez he ben gittin' cantankerous down Dawson way?

Of all the women he knew, Carnac's mother was the most exact and careful, though now and again he thought of her as being shrouded, or apart; while the boy's father, the great lumber-king, cantankerous, passionate, perspicuous, seemed to have but one passion, and that was his business.

And the picture of Whitefriars, though it is borrowed to a great extent, and rather anticipated in point of time, from Shadwell's Squire of Alsatia, sixty or seventy years after date, is of the finest, whilst Sir Mungo Malagrowther all but deserves the same description. But this most cantankerous knight is not touched off with the completeness of Dalgetty, or even of Claud Halcro.

He knew every joint and bolt in that contrary old engine the most cantankerous iron brute on the road and yet, if rightly managed, one of the swiftest and most powerful machines the company had, notwithstanding the many improvements that had been put upon locomotives since old Eighty-six had left the foundry.

As he did so, a man who had been lounging over the rail close at hand, smoking a cigar as he watched the traffic upon the river, turned, and regarding Escombe with a good-natured smile, remarked: "Your friend seems to be a rather cantankerous chap, isn't he? He will have to take care of himself, and keep his temper under rather better control, or he will go crazy when we get into the hot weather.

And then Fawn will be always afraid of her, and won't be in the least afraid of us. We shall have to fight him, and he won't fight her. He's a cantankerous fellow, is Fawn, when he's not afraid of his adversary." "But why should there be any fighting?" Eustace paused a minute, and rubbed his face and considered the matter before he answered. "She is troublesome, you know," he said.

Meanwhile, what with his cantankerous brothers, with Polish ambitions and German ill-will, Bohemia was having a sorry time. In all this unseemly wrangling among the members of the Přemysl family I find only one bright spot of human interest, and that is the little affair of Ulrich and Božena.

"He was a big man with arms just like flails, and the way he used to pound us was a caution." "I'd have shot him in his tracks," said the Pike man fiercely. "You'd have got a wallopin' fust, I reckon," said Joshua. "Do you mean to insult me?" demanded the Pike man. "Oh, lay down, and don't be so cantankerous," said Joshua. "You're allus thinkin' of bein' insulted."