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They knew the naked fact, and that was something. And of course Cousin Tom always made delicate situations: it was his privilege to do so. Cousin Tom's two aunts were delighted to see him again, and in a state so flourishing. He was asked no inconvenient questions, and he furnished no information. Bygones were bygones. Henry had never been told about the trifling incident of the ten pounds.

Nor from the Winterbournes, nor the Levens. Pleasant! Well, my dear, you must make up your mind to it. I did think I was fool enough to think that when I came back to the old place, my father's old friends would let bygones be bygones. I never did them any harm.

He was constantly thinking of Owen and his fortunes, weaving castles in the air that might be fulfilled, providing the sturdy young Canuck could be convinced that it was right and proper for him to become reconciled with his grandfather, and let bygones be forgotten. So an hour or two passed.

Here's my hand, and we'll let bygones be bygones." "Never!" said Acton. "I'll get even with you yet." "So be it," said Bourne; and he turned away, and got into his coat, leaving Vercoe and Acton on the field of battle. "Don't care to mention it, old man," he said to me as we got to his room, "all the same, I thought I was a gone coon just when I knocked the fellow out."

The good lady her mother now interposed, observing, in the first instance, that girls were girls, and bygones bygones, and that, so long as young people were young and thoughtless, they would probably conduct themselves like young and thoughtless persons: with two or three other positions of a no less sound and incontrovertible character.

There should be no inquiry into bygones, and all who submitted to the young king should be guaranteed all their existing rights. The result was that a steady stream of converts began to flow from the camp of Louis to the camp of the marshal. For the first time signs of a national movement against Louis began to be manifest. It became clear that his rule meant foreign conquest.

"My boy ... let bygones be bygones ... if there is anything you want...." His father had never said anything of this sort to him yet, but, by a violent stretch of imagination, he could just conceive it. His mother, of course, would cry over him, and so would Ethel. "Dear William ... do forgive us ... we have been so miserable since you went away ... we will never treat you so again."

Bygones is bygones, and, as the Bible says: 'Circumstances alters cases, and " "Then this is how I stand," cut in Garrison steadily, unheeding the advice. He counted the dishonorable tally on his fingers. "I'm a horse-poisoner, a thief, a welcher. I've deserted my wife and family. I owe you how much?"

"What I have said, I have said to his face. I have made no accusation against him. Come, my lord, I am willing enough to let bygones be bygones. If Lord Trowbridge will condescend to say that he will drop all animosity to me, I will forgive him the injuries he has done me. But I cannot admit myself to have been wrong." "I never knew any man who would," said Lord St. George.

He had no hesitation in doing this, as the errand was one that required nothing more than honesty and a little prudence. "Mr. Haldane," said his employer, in tones somewhat less cold and formal than those habitual with him, "we will let bygones be bygones.