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When the door was opened to her modest ring, and the pleasant, bright-looking parlor-maid answered her summons, Tildy gazed at her with great interest but without a scrap of shyness. "I've come from 'er 'ome to see Miss Maggie 'Owland," said Tildy; "and I've a message for 'er from 'er ma." The girl, whose name was Agnes, stared for a minute at Tildy. She recognized her "sort" in a moment.

He returned in a few moments with a bright-looking Chinese boy, about ten years old, with whose appearance and general intelligence I was so greatly impressed, that I engaged him on the spot. When the business was concluded, I asked his name. "Wan Lee," said the boy. "What! Are you the boy sent out by Hop Sing?

I felt fit to die five minutes ago, but now I am as well and jolly as possible. Here, Elma, come into the restaurant and wait." Kitty had clutched hold of Elma's arm, and now she dragged her into a large, bright-looking restaurant, which they were just passing. The next moment Elma found herself seated by a small marble table.

'What are you going to be? asked Jimmy, as she took a bright-looking helmet from under her bed. 'Don't you know? she answered. 'Why, I'm Britannia. A little later she left the van with the helmet on her head, and a large thing which looked like a pitchfork in one hand. In the other she carried a shield, and her white dress had flags all over it.

She watched other women, such confident, easy, bright-looking creatures not at all like Amy's set who looked as though they could preside at big meetings or at their own tables at home, and be gracious and say witty things to the clever men at their sides. Behind them came whole regiments of women and girls of a simpler kind.

The next morning, as the Interviewer took his seat on a bench outside his door, to smoke his after-breakfast cigar, a bright-looking and handsome youth, whose features recalled those of Euthymia so strikingly that one might feel pretty sure he was her brother, took a seat by his side. Presently the two were engaged in conversation.

Generally his bright-looking wife was hovering near the door, waiting his coming with a little group round her as merry as the one that was now making the woods of Kirklands ring with their light-hearted laughter. Grace had not told the children that she meant to take them to see little Jean that evening.

Jinks' mind, and rendered him irresolute. He was interrupted in the midst of them by a voice, laughing and sonorous, which cried from the direction of the gateway: "Hey, there! What now, Jinks'? What thoughts occupy your mind, my dear fellow?" And Ralph came out from the yard of the tavern, mounted upon his handsome animal, as fresh and bright-looking as himself. "I was reflecting, sir," said Mr.

I spoke to another, a bright-looking girl of twelve. 'Where were you raised? 'In Kentucky. 'And why are you to be sold? 'The trader came to Kentucky, bought me, and brought me here. I thought what right had I to be homesick, when that poor girl had left all her kindred for life without her consent.

"How much money have you in the bank?" I heard a gentleman inquire of a boy. "A dollar and a half," he replied. I looked up, and saw before me a slender, bright-looking lad, about fourteen years old. The pantaloons he wore had evidently belonged to a full-grown man, and were rolled up at the bottom to make them short enough for the present wearer.