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Still it was decent of Brauer to... "That's very kind, I'm sure. Could you give me say, five dollars?" Brauer thrust two lean, bloodless fingers into his vest pocket and drew out a crisp note. "Thanks, awfully," Starratt said, quickly, as he reached for the money. Brauer's face lit up with a swift glow of satisfaction. Starratt almost shrank back.

"He'll have a desk in Brauer's office," Miss Thornton explained. "He is to learn this branch, and be manager some day. George says that Brauer is going to buy into the firm." "Well, for Heaven's sake!" Susan's thoughts flew. "But, Thorny," she presently submitted, "isn't Peter Coleman in college?" Miss Thornton looked mysterious, looked regretful.

Fred felt sure that Brauer's ethical lapses were still in progress. At intervals Brauer always contrived to place an insurance line other than fire and insist that he was compelled to grant a discount. These premiums were always settled promptly and, in their wake, a list of fire premiums paid in full were turned in by Brauer. It was plain that Peter was being robbed to pay Paul.

She was very circumspect and very dignified for a week or two, always busy when Peter Coleman came into Front Office, and unusually neat in appearance. Miss Murray sat next to him on the car one morning, and they chatted for fifteen minutes; Miss Thornton began to quote him now and then; Miss Kirk, as credit clerk, spent at least a morning a week in Mr. Brauer's office, three feet away from Mr.

One rainy day, when Peter Coleman was alone in Mr. Brauer's office, she took the little jeweler's box in and laid it beside him on the desk. "This is all darn foolishness!" Peter said, really annoyed. "Well " Susan shrugged wearily, "it's the way I feel about it." "I thought you were more of a sport!" he said impatiently, holding the box as if he did not quite know what to do with it.

This would do one of two things, either stop their friendship off short, it wouldn't do that, she was happily confident, or commence things upon a new and more definite basis. But when Peter came back he dragged his little aunt all the way up to Mr. Brauer's office especially to ask Miss Brown if she would dine with them informally that very evening. This was definite enough!

Fred cooled a little in the face of Brauer's vehemence. "Oh, come now, what's the use of talking like that? I'm not intending to bother your customers, but there are some things due me... My name is on every one of those policies. Therefore I ought to know when they are paid and anything else about the business that concerns me. You know as well as I do what is reasonable and just.

Still, even with the fact of Brauer's craftiness exposed, she could not be persuaded that the proposition was quite that urgent. "You don't?" he inquired, with growing irritation. "Well, you've forgotten that check for some six hundred-odd dollars I wrote for Brauer the other day... I presume you know it's a felony to give out checks when there aren't sufficient funds on deposit."

Brauer's office, was asked if she thought that she could do the crediting, at forty dollars a month. Susan assented gravely, and entered that day upon her new work, and upon a new era. She worked hard and silently, now, with only occasional flashes of her old silliness.

He decided not to say anything to his partner until he made a move toward investigating, himself. The next morning he took a half dozen names of Brauer's customers at random from the ledger and he made out bills for their premiums. Practically all of Brauer's business was fire insurance, so Fred had typical cases for his test.

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