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They were Sophy's wedding cards; and she had also sent from Edinburgh a newspaper containing a notice of her marriage to Archibald Braelands. The news was very satisfactory to Janet. She held the bits of cardboard with her fingertips, looking grimly at the names upon them. Then she laughed, not very pleasantly, at the difference in the size of the cards.

I tell you McFinlay and Co. were kept busy day and night for Sophy Braelands." Then Mistress Kilgour entered into a minute description of all Sophy's beautiful things, and Janet listened attentively, not only for her own gratification, but also for that of every woman in Pittendurie.

"And then?" "I don't know how long I lay there." "And they went on and left you lying in the highway?" "They went on." "The wicked lass! Oh the wicked, heartless lass!" "You are not able to judge her, Christina." "But you can judge Braelands. Get a warrant for the scoundrel the morn. He is without the law." "Then I would make Sophy the common talk, far and near.

"I am my own woman, Madame. And I will take my oath I am not your woman, anyhow. And 'common' or uncommon, the fishermen of Fife call no man master but the Lord God Almighty, from whose hands they take their food, summer and winter. And I will make free to say, moreover, that if Braelands loves Sophy Traill and she loves him, worse might befall him than Sophy for a wife.

Braelands turned his face towards Marion and a new life, and Andrew went back to his ship with a new and splendid interest. It began in wondering, "whether there was any good in a man abandoning himself to a noble, but vain regret? Was there no better way to pay a tribute to the beloved dead?"

This unforeseen and unhappy meeting forced a climax in Sophy's love affairs, which she had hitherto not dared to face. In fact, circumstances tending that way had arisen about a week previously; and it was in consequence of them, that she was publicly riding with Braelands when Andrew met them. For a long time she had insisted on secrecy in her intercourse with her "friend."

"'If, Braelands; it is not a question of 'if. Marion's name has been injured by its connection with your name. You know the remedy. I expect you to behave like a gentleman in this matter." "You expect me to marry Marion?" "Precisely. There is no other effectual way to right her." "I see Marion in the garden; I will go and speak to her." "Do, my dear fellow.

I wish you could have seen the dresses and the mantillas, the bonnets and the fineries of every sort I had to buy Sophy, not to speak of the rings and gold chains and bracelets and such things, that Braelands just laid down at her feet." "What kind of dresses?" "Silks and satins white for the wedding-dress and pink, and blue and tartan and what not!

There was no more now for Archie to do, and he went out of the room followed by Andrew. "Thank you for coming for me, Captain," he said, "you did me a kindness I shall never forget." "I knew you would be glad. I am grieved to trouble you further, Braelands, at this hour; but the dead must be waited on. It was Sophy's wish to be buried with her own folk." "She is my wife."

"I cast my line in Largo Bay, And fishes I caught nine; There's three to boil, and three to fry, And three to bait the line," when she heard a sharp rap at her door. The rap was not made with the hand; it was peremptory and unusual, and startled Janet. She put down the plate she was wiping, ceased singing, and went to the door. The Master of Braelands was standing there.