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Not so the Baconians; he concealed, they think, a vast LITERARY aim. They must take his alternative to be "some sorry bookmaker, OR a pioneer in that mine of truth," as meaning that he would either be the literary hack of a company of players, OR the founder of a regenerating philosophy.

The Cherub drew an ornate verbal picture, florid in its descriptive phraseology, but cognate enough to convince Crane it was Mortimer who had made one of the bets. His preconceived plan of the suspected man's operations was working out. "Now find this thousand-dollar note for me," he said; "take trouble over it; get help if necessary; go to every bookmaker that was in line that day.

After one of these entertainments I was travelling with John Gully, once a formidable champion of the ring, and at that time a great bookmaker, as well as owner of racehorses afterwards presented at Court to her most gracious Majesty the late Queen and Member of Parliament.

If you would really be the people's man, come and learn something of the people from their own lips. This is what my friend said to me." "And who," she asked, "was this prophet who came to you and talked like this?" "A retired bookmaker," he answered. "I will tell you of our meeting." She listened gravely. After he had finished there was a short silence.

Such a bidder was to hand in the person of a retired bookmaker, a somewhat greasy old gentleman, but exceedingly rich and undoubtedly fond of her. Miss Devine, having made up her mind that the thing had got to be done, was anxious that it should be done quickly. And here it was that the stranger's ridiculous opinion of her not only irritated but inconvenienced her.

Berge were returning from their quest. The inner box had been opened and there was no need to ask the result. The bookmaker was shaking his head like a baffled bull. "Gone, no effects," he shouted across the hall. "Lifted from 'The Safe, by crumb!" To those who knew nothing of the method and operation of the fraud it seemed as if the financial security of the Capital was tottering.

"If James Terry, the bookmaker, loud, florid, vulgar, was an unprepossessing individual, certainly George Higgins, who was still under the accusation of murder, was ten thousand times more so. "None too clean, slouchy, obsequious yet insolent, he was the very personification of the cad who haunts the racecourse and who lives not so much by his own wits as by the lack of them in others.

Then Ashton came to see her at her own house, but when her father learned that the young man who had been calling upon her was a bookmaker he told him he could not associate with his daughter. But the girl was now deeply in love with Ashton, and apparently he with her. He begged her to marry him.

"It was good of you, kind; but how could I accept a large sum of money like that when I am not entitled to it?" "You are it's yours. The bet was made in your name I entered it at the time in my book, and the bookmaker is ready to pay the money over." "I can't take it I won't. No, no, no!" "Don't be foolishly sensitive, Miss Allis.

Falchion's coolness; and the bookmaker, with his usual impetuosity, offered to take bets at four to one that we should all be detained to give evidence in the matter. Clovelly was silent. He occasionally adjusted his glasses, and looked at Mrs. Falchion as if he had suddenly come to a full stop in his opinions regarding her.