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After that he was called Blue-bag, notwithstanding that he one day took the cattle-whip to school with him and showed them how he could cut three-cornered holes in a pair of trousers with the long lash, hit a small stone so that it disappeared into the air, and make those loud reports. It was all excellent, but the name stuck to him all the same; and all his little personality smarted under it.

"Comrade Otto," he observed, "will now recite that pathetic little poem 'Baby's Sock is now a Blue-bag. Pray, gentlemen, silence for Comrade Otto." He looked inquiringly at the long youth, who remained mute. Psmith clicked his tongue regretfully. "Comrade Jarvis," he said, "I fear that as a smoking-concert this is not going to be a success. I understand, however.

Why, they haven't any teeth! There are no bones in them at all; I'm sure you could eat them quite well." "Pah! Beastly!" Pelle spat on the ground. "I shouldn't be at all afraid of biting one; would you?" Rud lifted a little mouse up toward his mouth. "Afraid? Of course I'm not afraid but " Pelle hesitated. "No, you're afraid, because you're a blue-bag!"

Pelle turned literally giddy, with the strength of the determination that seized upon his little brain. "I'm no more a blue-bag than you are!" he said. "Why, you wouldn't even dare to jump into the water!" "Just listen to him! He thinks you jump into the water for fun in the middle of winter, and get cramp!"

And you think perhaps you're clever, do you? Let's see how far you've got, then!" And he took up the hymn-book with a trembling hand. He could not stand anything being said against boys that had left. The name Blue-bag continued to stick to Pelle, and nothing had ever stung him so much; and there was no chance of his getting rid of it before the summer came, and that was a long way off.

I did not want to hear any more of his autobiography, so I looked at the lady pointed out as Susan. I couldn't see much of her face because she had her hand over it, but I did not think they were an ill-assorted couple. "Has she been stung by a wasp?" I asked. "A blue-bag " "Look 'ere," the man interrupted and caught me again by the coat, "none of your bloomin' innocence.

Aunt Margaret would be enchanted to instruct you, and her housekeeping is a marvel of accuracy. She could tell you exactly how much she spent last year on soft soap, and the reason why it was more in ninety-six than in ninety- seven. She could walk about the house in the dark and put her hand on the blue-bag and the list of last week's washing.

Why should I look for the blue-bag?" cried Miss Munns, all anxiety to fathom the meaning of this perplexing statement. The most elaborate explanations on Sylvia's part failed to solve the mystery, and she kept on reiterating, "Why blue-bag?" in tones of baffled curiosity, while Sylvia lay back in her chair and sighed, and raised her eyebrows and stared hopelessly at the corner of the ceiling.

The only one I don't want to part with is cook, for cook is so much afraid of me that she will give me any unwholesome food I like to ask her for. When dear Rose comes we will have a feast. Oh, won't we have fun! I wonder I do wonder when she will come?" Lady Jane left the room, and returned with a blue-bag, which she applied to James's swollen hand and cheek.

The door-plate of 17 Heriot Row bore the inscription of R. L. Stevenson, Advocate. No blue-bag laden clerk dropped briefs then into its letter-box. In one of its sun-facing drawing-room windows there stood a big Australian vine, carefully tended and trained. It was behind it, in the far window, the eighteen-year-old lad sat when, in the winter's gloamin', Mrs.