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Oh, my dear Spyers, where is the villain!" "Come!" said Spyers, offering him a pinch of snuff, "none of that gammon! You did it yourself." So he had; and a good bit of money he had made by it, too; and nobody would never have found it out, if he hadn't been so precious anxious to keep up appearances! said Mr. Blathers, putting down his wine-glass, and clinking the handcuffs together.

With rollicking good humour for he was a strong healthy man with a sleeping conscience Captain Blathers, on landing, swaggered up to the clergyman and shook him heartily and gratefully by the hand, exclaiming, with a characteristic oath, that he had not much opinion of religion in his own country, but he was bound to say it was "a first-rate institootion in the South Seas."

"It is of no use resisting, Captain Blathers," said Griffin, when the former was pinioned; "you see we are quite prepared, and thoroughly in earnest." The captain looked round, and a glance sufficed to convince him that this was true.

Maylie, who received it very graciously. While it was being conveyed to her, the doctor slipped out of the room. 'Ah! said Mr. Blathers: not holding his wine-glass by the stem, but grasping the bottom between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand: and placing it in front of his chest; 'I have seen a good many pieces of business like this, in my time, ladies.

'Certainly not, replied Duff. 'And, translating the word yokel for the benefit of the ladies, I apprehend your meaning to be, that this attempt was not made by a countryman? said Mr. Losberne, with a smile. 'That's it, master, replied Blathers. 'This is all about the robbery, is it? 'All, replied the doctor.

I am not of an inhuman disposition, sir. 'Thought it was what boy? inquired the senior officer. 'The housebreaker's boy, sir! replied Giles. 'They they certainly had a boy. 'Well? Do you think so now? inquired Blathers. 'Think what, now? replied Giles, looking vacantly at his questioner. 'Think it's the same boy, Stupid-head? rejoined Blathers, impatiently.

'Very curious, indeed, observed the doctor. 'Now, if you please, you can walk upstairs. 'If you please, sir, returned Mr. Blathers. Closely following Mr. Losberne, the two officers ascended to Oliver's bedroom; Mr. Giles preceding the party, with a lighted candle. Oliver had been dozing; but looked worse, and was more feverish than he had appeared yet.

With the next morning, there came a rumour, that two men and a boy were in the cage at Kingston, who had been apprehended over night under suspicious circumstances; and to Kingston Messrs. Blathers and Duff journeyed accordingly.

As he drew near he observed a boat pushing off from the shore. "Howld on!" shouted a well-known voice; "sure it's himself after all." "Come along, young sir, you're late, and had well-nigh lost your passage," growled Captain Blathers.

Quigley thought "'twould be hard to say which the young man or ould one was the foolishest; for the blathers ould Joe talked about Tom, and the gaby Tom made of himself over the child, now that he had his own way wid her, was past belief."