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His most learned disciples have charge of the special departments." "And what is the purpose of this limitless scheme?" I further queried. The whole organism of Blackana quivered with reluctance as if he would not answer. "Refuse me not," I continued, "you well know that I have underneath me the everlasting arms." He was restless for a moment, angrily rolling his awful eyes.

Blackana again grinned horribly while my indignation waxed stronger. Then came his pertinent reply: "My master is about his own business; that is why he is so successful in his work. It is not his business to point people away from his kingdom; his delight is rather in leading them upon his own Highway."

"I am Blackana, from the lower world of spirits, and am commanded here to stay until released." "Until released? What power binds you here, and how long will you abide?" I asked in dread suspense. "I must remain, as your companion and interpreter, until the vision is past."

World and hastened away to the side of a young man who was almost persuaded to yield to some elevating influence. I suddenly looked at Blackana whose presence I had well-nigh forgotten. "Have you been taking your ease in sleep?" I asked as an involuntary shudder shook my frame. "I never sleep. Suns may wax and wane, nations rise and fall, peoples live and die, but I am awake forever."

"The passage-way to Hell is not so smooth; we go to a better place," he answered, without so much as turning his head. We finally stopped at a line of massive elevators, ever in busy motion, carrying the throngs upward or downward. As we paused, Blackana regarded me silently. I was then able, for the first time, to see his face clearly.

Then, turning to the chairman of the great assemblage, Blackana attracted his attention, and at once the attention of all the spectral monsters of the place. "Here," commenced he, "is a piece of mortal flesh, fresh from the surface. I have been forced, by some strange power, to conduct this mortal man through these nether levels until he has seen the workings of our underground plans and schemes.

I doubted not the words of Blackana, and as I looked out again upon the Broad Highway, I saw that the two companions had just left the Merry Village and had come to the well beaten road leading to the right. Here stood a preacher who, in tearful earnestness, urged all travelers to go the right way. I saw many heeding his words and go running on the new way after throwing away many cumbrous things.

Millions of voices rendered the air hideous with their cries, so accurately did Blackana reproduce it all. "I knew your sentiments," continued he, triumph ringing in his tones. "What can we do but stand unitedly on our rustic frontier, and push the conquest on to farther realms. Then all Heaven will learn that we are made of grit too fine and true to lie beneath the feet of any foe."

In the same manner I looked into all the apartments of each building, and was astonished at the presence of so large a number from the King's Highway, and a still greater throng from the way of the world. "O Blackana!" I cried, "how long will this continue? Is there no end to deception? With such a changed view of things, how can Miss Church-Member crave for the King's Highway or urge Mr.

As Blackana continued, I was struck with shuddering terror at his awful gestures; but conscious that no harm could befall me, I continued listening to his flaming oratory. "We must arise and seize our opportunities. Go forth, under cover of night, and sow the seed of our own growing; this will flourish in the very soil that Christ would bring to highest cultivation.