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I looked at Blackana and sighed: "Oh! Blackana, how long will these things be? If only a conflagration would reduce the contents of that hall to ashes!" "Ah! mortal," he coldly replied, "these things will never be destroyed, for the building is fire proof. Surely the Sunday school should get as much of its library as possible from a source so well protected." "For what fiendish reason?"

Blackana, still holding me by the hand, spoke! thus in a derisive strain: "O mortal, now comes my glorious revenge I have tasted your insults until their galling bitterness grinds me still. I have craved for this hour when I might leave you to the mercy of the lowest, and bring you under my feet for ever."

It is indeed gratifying to us," continued Blackana with a fiendish smile, "to see the twentieth century of the so-called Christian era opening with the church wrangling over her Bible more desperately than ever, and some of the learned leaders, and those of lesser light, laying the lash on him who believes that the regularly revised version of Scripture is of sufficient authority and approved of God."

The allegory shows how Satan supplies every conceivable kind of lenses to suit the people of the world and the church. Blackana, with deceptive words, attempts to defend Satan's course. This institution of Satan has been in operation since the creation of man, having been remodeled as often as advancement in style or skill demanded.

"He gave only a condensed and garbled rendering of it." "Then I command you, O Blackana, to give me a full reproduction of Fast Devil's speech as far as you are able to translate the language of Hell into words that are intelligible to me. Can you remember each thought?" "I must remember, for I have not the power to forget," and Blackana groaned aloud.

Blackana moved not a feature at my changed attitude, but spoke calmly within the bounds of truth: "Satan considers such a one as a valuable ally to his cause, for she is now working against Jesus Christ on her imaginary road to Heaven. Nothing is more helpful to Satan than when members of the church believe that parts of the Bible are untrue.

You may look out into the coming years as far as you wish," replied Blackana in a cold, indifferent manner. Thrilled by such an unusual sight, and the thought which his interpretation and words suggested, I marveled at his sullenness, for Blackana did not so much as lift his head to see the spectacle. "O, Blackana!" I cried, "why are you so dead to such surroundings?"

A Satanic smile covered the features of Blackana as he assured me that the earth does know of these things, and has known of them for ages, but is too well pleased with them to offer serious opposition. In disgust I turned from Blackana and saw that Mr. "Ah! all our toil may be in vain," sighed Miss Church-Member.

It was of such imposing dimensions and so magnificently constructed that only the architects of Heaven could have designed it. Instinctively I turned to Blackana, whom I could now face without fear: "Where are we, and what is the meaning of this great door?" And as I spoke unseen hands swung it open upon its hinges. "We are standing at the open door of the twentieth century.

To know aright one must see," he answered with marked indifference. For a moment I silently looked upon Blackana whose evasive answer had so greatly aroused my curiosity. "Beyond those ominous portals I can discern nothing," I murmured. "How can I be privileged to see what is there hidden?" "Come with me," coldly invited Blackana, "I will guide you to the nethermost realms now unseen by you.