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"It is good of you and Watson to come down this evening, Diggs," said Mr. Bingle, speaking with difficulty. "This must be the busiest night of the year for you. How could you afford to get away?"

Here, Gaddy, take the chit to Bingle and ride hell-for-leather. It'll do you good. I can't go. JUNIOR CHAPLAIN. Do him good! Let him lie down. Your horse is blocking my cart please! On paper if you like. Turn in, Gadsby, and I'll bring Bingle back ahem 'hell-for-leather. He can drive too. I shouldn't care to go that pace in a bamboo cart. What a faith he must have in his Maker of harness!

For instance, who was responsible for cutting out that scene in the second act?" "Mrs. Bingle," said the other promptly. "She thought it was too suggestive." "Well, it certainly was you, sir, who advised me to make more of the scene between Deborah and the old gentleman in the last act. As you know, it is now the great scene in the play. You will not pretend to deny "

Bingle, lowering his voice; "and he hasn't known very much happiness in his lifetime, so I suppose we ought to overlook er, ahem! Let me see, where was I?" He favoured young Mary Sykes with a genial grin. "Where was I, Mary?" Mary saw her chance. Without a trace of shame or compunction, she said page seventy-eight, and then the three grown people coughed in great embarrassment.

Force came with her secretary and interviewed the children. The secretary took down notes while Mrs. Force put the questions to the older boys and girls. Mr. Bingle had been virtually ordered out of the room.

Melissa, will you and Stokes come down to the library as soon as you've got them to bed? And please tell the other nurse-maids to come also. I don't happen to see them about anywhere. I suppose it is a general night out. I have something important to say to you all. Please be as spry as possible. I want to get it over with." Half an hour later, Mr. Bingle received his servants in the library.

Their curiosity, cupidity, envy what you will brought them scurrying up to the group, and not a face was missing from the ranks when she stopped before Mr. Bingle and said: "And now that we have them, bound hand and foot, what are we to do with them? Put them in a dungeon and feed them on bread and water?" "I don't see how you did it," said Mr. Bingle. "It was really quite wonderful.

"Out of your own pocket?" exclaimed the lawyer, who knew something of bookkeepers' salaries. "Most certainly not out of anybody else's," said Mr. Bingle, with dignity. "And you can also tell them that they are a pack of blamed good-for-nothings," he added, with absolutely no dignity. "My dear sir." "Be sure to tell 'em, will you?

Fiddler came roaring into the room ahead of its owner. "By the Lord Harry, it's a cold night Hello! What's this? Liveried servants again? Well, upon my soul, I Ah, there you are, Bingle! How are you, Force?" The next instant he was wringing Mr. Bingle's hand and booming Christmas greetings to every one in hearing and out of it, for that matter, such a voice he had! "Mary?

Bingle that he was in no hurry for his money. Any time before the first of February would be perfectly satisfactory. He was only too glad to have been instrumental in dragging his old friend, Joseph Hooper from the very edge of the grave. "And if he has a recurrence of the " he began suavely. "There's no danger of THAT, is there, Doctor? cried Mr.