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With a drawl that was tantalizingly deliberate the owner of the Three Stars Ranch replied: "I reckon we might as well. Bill's got a level head on his shoulders, and some day he'll be boss of the Half-Moon. If anything like this happens then he'll know how to act. Yes, I think we'd better take him." Aware that it would be useless to try to persuade Mr.

No one could get at King or Queen Daisiana, so it was left in its glory; while the young people struggled back over rocks that seemed much steeper, and pools far deeper, than in their advance; Lance still trying to be helpful, but with a mazed sense of the same sort of desperate effort with which he had run back with Bill's verses; for not only had his small strength been overtaxed, but the immersion in water was affecting his head.

"No blinkin' parrot's goin' to 'ave no piece of no finger of mine! My brother Joe's wife's sister's parrot never 'ad no piece out of no finger of mine!" He extended the finger further and waggled it enticingly beneath Bill's beak. "Cheerio, matey!" he said winningly. "Polly want a nut?"

"Then it'll kick my arm off," said Tommy. "No, it won't; you won t feel it at all," said the shooter. "Your arm will give to the recoil. Blaze away!" "What are you up to with the carbine?" said Hugh. "I'm going to have a blaze at some of these 'ere buff'loes," said Tommy gaily. "Bill's lent me a horse. They's got a rifle for you, and one for the old man. "We'll give them buff'loes hell to-day.

It was Bill's voice! In another moment we were on board the boat made fast, the line of the anchor cut, and the sweeps run out. At the first stroke of Bill's giant arm the schooner was nearly pulled ashore, for in his haste he forgot that I could scarcely move the unwieldy oar.

When the motion was made for the bill's being committed, a warm debate ensued, in the course of which many Scottish members spoke in behalf of their country with great force of argument, and a very laudable spirit of freedom. Mr.

Ivvery body seems to mane something, and nobory to say it. Bill. Never you mind, daddy! "Bill's been. All right." That's your ticket. I'm off. Exit. THOMAS gets up, and walks about, murmuring to himself. A knock at the door. Tho. Somebory after mo again! Aw'll geet eawt ov th' way. Enter WATERFIELD. Wat. Nobody here! I am unlucky. "Not at home," said the rascal, and grinned, by Jove!

"Bill's still on the front porch," said Ma Norton as they reached the Norton driveway. "Do go speak to him, Lydia. He's amiable to-night, but he's been like a bear for months." Billy's mother went on into the kitchen entrance and Lydia went over to the dim figure on the steps. "Your mother told me to speak to you," she said meekly. "I heard her." Billy gave a low laugh.

McKeith read all the details carefully, turning the page over and back again in order to read it once more. There was no doubt making due allowance for Moongarr Bill's exaggerative optimism that the find was a genuine one. The writer resumed: 'I've pegged off a twenty men's ground, this being outside the area of a proclaimed goldfield our reward as joint discoverers.

"Well, we will soon see all about that," said the colonel, beginning to search Bill; but, greatly to his surprise, he found nothing whatever about him, except his knife, the whole of Bill's worldly wealth, "I told you so, sir," said Bill, when he had finished. "I spoke only the truth about myself and my companion."