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In the North of England, baker's bread is called "bought bread." Wat's your fitin wate? Air you trubeld with biles? How does your meresham culler? State whether you air blind, deaf, idiotic, or got the heaves? Do you know any Opry singers, and if so how much do they owe you? What's the average of virtoo on the Ery Canawl?

She held in her hand all but the smallest fragment of the mantle, the price of which, however, Miss Biles had been careful to repocket, and showed no sign of exhaustion, whereas Jones was speechless. But, nevertheless, she was in tears, and appealed loudly to the police and to the crowd as to her wrongs. "I'm fairly murthered with him, thin, so I am, the baist, the villain, the swindhler.

She come to Saratoga for the rheumatiz, and wuz gettin' well fast, and Ezra was gettin' entirely cured of biles, for which he had come, carbunkles. Wall, she invited Josiah and me to take a ride with 'em, and we both accepted of it, and at the appointed time I wuz ready to the minute, down on the piazza, with my brown cotton gloves on, and my mantilly hung gracefully over my arm.

"Bow-legs, too why not? Just as easy bow-legs as biles." "Well, go on." "All such things, she says, is appearances. Our souls being sick, they look through our eyes in a sorter cock-eyed way and see something they call a bile or a pair of bow-legs. The bile and the bow-legs aint really there, you know; we only think so, which is just as bad as if they was there.

And have he carried his inheritance into's grave? And will his skeleton lie warm on account o't? Hee-hee! said Haymoss. ''Tis all swallered up, observed Hezzy Biles. 'His goings-on made her miserable till 'a died, and if I were the woman I'd have my randys now. He ought to have bequeathed to her our young gent, Mr. St. Cleeve, as some sort of amends.

Old Coyote mixes his p'isen with beef tallow, biles them ingredients up together a lot, an' then, while she's melted that a-way, he pours it into these yere auger holes an' lets it cool. It gets good an' hard, this arsenic-tallow does, an' then Coyote drags the timber thus reg'lated out onto the plains to what he regyards as a elegible local'ty an' leaves it for the wolves to come an' batten on.

I don't know what is a club, on'y Patrick says it makes him biles on all his bones." "You gets biles on your bones from off of cops sooner you comes late on the school!" gasped Yetta. "Nobody ain't tell me nothings over that. I don't know, neither, what is clubs " "I know what they are," the more learned Sarah Schrodsky began. "It's a house mit man's faces in the windows.

Martin and her connexions and her ways of life with luminous distinctness, till Lady Constantine became greatly depressed. She, in her hopefulness, had almost forgotten, latterly, that the bucolic element, so incisively represented by Messrs. Hezzy Biles, Haymoss Fry, Sammy Blore, and the rest entered into his condition at all; to her he had been the son of his academic father alone.

Two men were putting a chimney-pot on one of the chimney-stacks, and two more were scraping green mould from the front wall. He made no inquiries on that occasion. Three days later he strolled thitherward again. Now a great cleaning of window-panes was going on, Hezzy Biles and Sammy Blore being the operators, for which purpose their services must have been borrowed from the neighbouring farmer.

"Women and wine," says I to the pa'son: and for that I was sent back till next confirmation, Sir Blount never owning that he was the rascal. 'Confirmation was a sight different at that time, mused Biles. 'The Bishops didn't lay it on so strong then as they do now.