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On recovering, his mind was clearer and more capable of continuous thought; but this power only served to show him that he was lost, and that, even if he had known his way to Bevan's Gully, his strength was utterly gone, so that he could not render aid to the friends who stood in need of it so sorely.

Finding it fast, he kept thundering against it with his heavy boots, and shouting Paul Bevan's name in unusually fierce tones. "Are ye there?" he demanded at last and stopped to listen. "If you'll make less noise mayhap ye'll find out" growled Paul. "Och! Paul, dear, open av ye love me," entreated the visitor, in a voice there was no mistaking. "I do believe it's my mate Flinders!" said Fred.

Tom returned the look with one of perplexity, for they were now a considerable distance both from Bevan's Gully and Pine Tree Diggings, in the midst of an almost unknown wilderness. From the latter place either of the friends could have travelled to the former almost blindfold; but, having by that time lost their exact bearings, they could only guess at the direction.

"The woods are full of game, berries, roots, and fish. If you know anything of woodcraft you can't starve." "An' sh-sh-sure Tomlin's Diggin's isn't far far off straight f-f-fornint you," said Flinders, going close up to his friends, and whispering, "Kape round by Bevan's Gully. You'll be " "Come, none of your whisperin' together!" shouted Stalker.

Paul Bevan's just like you won't hear o' me touchin' a pipe, though he smokes himself like a wigwam wi' a greenwood fire!" Drake pondered a little before replying. "It would never do, you know," he said, at length, "for you boys to do 'zackly as we men does." "Why not?" demanded Tolly, developing an early bud of independent thought. "Why, 'cause it wouldn't" replied Drake.

'What is up? says I; says she, 'Murder is up. Then she told me her cousin, an Irish boy, was at Bevan's store and he heard some queer talk, and he looked through a chink in the wall and saw two rascals putting their heads together, and he soon made out they were driving a bargain to rob you two. One was to do it, the other was a-egging him on. 'I must have fifty pounds first, says this one.

Bevan's partner would be the acme of his ambition, but in that case a good house would be absolutely necessary. Olivia had only been joking when she had made the observation. She had no idea that Marcus even entertained such an idea for a moment, but Marcus, who had his foot on the first rung of the ladder, was eager to climb. All his spare time was spent in study.

Bevan's partner, too?" Then Marcus started, and an odd little smile played round his mouth. The very same thought had already occurred to him. "Of pleasures, those which occur most rarely give the greatest pleasure." Epictetus. Dr. Luttrell's fit of pessimism did not last long.

"Maqua is not a god, that he should be able to tell what he does not know." "No, but he could guess," retorted Stalker for it was the robber-chief. "My scouts said they thought it was his figure they saw. However, it matters not. If you are to earn the reward I have offered, you must creep into the camp, put your knife in Bevan's heart, and bring me his scalp.

But only just in time; for even as he left the water a huge shark, of at least twenty-five feet in length, came dashing at him with such furious determination that he ran his great snout, with its rows of shining saw-edged teeth, right up on the ledge, so close as actually to graze Bevan's body.