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Some said he was a queer chap; others, more outspoken, styled him an ass, but all agreed in the opinion that his daughter Betty was the finest girl in Oregon. Perhaps this opinion may account for the fact that many of the miners especially the younger among them returned again and again to Bevan's Gully to search for gold although the search was not remunerative.

Waddington was coming back to-day by the three-forty train and this afternoon would be their last for goodness knew how long. Bevan's manners; you would have supposed that instead of suffering, as he must be suffering, agonies of impatience and irritation, he had never enjoyed anything in his life so much as this adventure that was just coming to an end.

The constant repetition of this maxim gradually drove it into Sheen's head, so that towards the end of the lesson he no longer lowered his right hand when he led with his left; and he felt the gentle pressure of Joe Bevan's glove less frequently. At no stage of a pupil's education did Joe Bevan hit him really hard, and in the first few lessons he could scarcely be said to hit him at all.

They had been gone about two hours, when Stalker, alias Buxley, and his men arrived in an unenviable state of rage, for they had discovered Flinders's flight, had guessed its object, and now, after hastening to Bevan's Gully at top speed, had reached it to find the birds flown.

Then, at last, there came a flush that made the soft moon look suddenly paler, and lighted up the world as if the sun had shot a ray right through it from the antipodes. This was followed by a crash and a roar that caused the solid globe itself to vibrate and sent Paul Bevan's fortress into the sky a mass of blackened ruins.

As poor Tom Brixton once said in a moment of confidence to his friend Westly, while excusing himself for so frequently going on prospecting expeditions to Bevan's Gully, "There's no question about it, Fred; she's the sweetest girl in Oregon pshaw! in the world, I should have said.

He had started on the right road. He had done something. He had stood up to his man till he could stand no longer. An unlimited vista of action stretched before him. He had tasted the pleasure of the fight, and he wanted more. Why, he thought, should he not avail himself of Joe Bevan's services to help him put himself right in the eyes of the house?

He could feel Mr Bevan's eye upon him, but he went through with it till the thing was told boldly, and with no attempt to smooth over any of the unpleasant points. "Never you mind, sir," said Mr Bevan consolingly, as he finished. "We all lose our heads sometimes. I've seen the way you stand up to Francis, and I'll eat I'll eat the medicine-ball if you're not as plucky as anyone.

This, it may be said, is impossible, since all those external events which we call human conduct flow from the mind of man. So, at least, one can best interpret Mr. Commenting on Mr. Edwyn Bevan's phrase for God, "the Friend behind phenomena," Mr.

At about the time that George Bevan's train was leaving Waterloo, a grey racing car drew up with a grinding of brakes and a sputter of gravel in front of the main entrance of Belpher Castle. The slim and elegant young man at the wheel removed his goggles, pulled out a watch, and addressed the stout young man at his side. "Two hours and eighteen minutes from Hyde Park Corner, Boots.