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"Not yet," said Donovan; "the bar's too full at first for me. Padre and I'll come later." The others stepped off across the crowded deck, and Donovan pitched his magazine into Bevan's chair to retain it. "You're from South Africa?" queried Peter. "Yes," replied the other. "I was in German West, and came over after on my own. Joined up with the brigade here." "What part of Africa?" asked Peter.

Put it in your diary, Mac, and write it on your cuff, George Bevan's all right. He's an ace." Unconscious of these eulogies, which, coming from one whose judgment he respected, might have cheered him up, George wandered down Shaftesbury Avenue feeling more depressed than ever.

"I could offer you an alternative position, if you cared to accept it." Billie looked at him keenly. Other men in similar circumstances had made much the same remark to her. She was conscious of feeling a little disappointed in her new friend. "Well?" she said dryly. "Shoot." "You gathered, no doubt, from Mr. Bevan's conversation, that my secretary has left me and run away and got married?

The physical exertions and sufferings which the poor fellow had undergone for so long a period, coupled with the grief, amounting almost to despair, which tormented his brain, had at last culminated in fever; and the flushed face and glittering eyes, which his friend had set down to anxiety about Bevan's pretty daughter, were, in reality, indications of the gathering fires within.

"What is it, Will?" asked the newcomer. "A plant." "This one in it?" "Yes! This is too public, come to Bevan's store." "GEORGE, I want you to go to Bathurst." "What for?" "To buy some things." "What things?" "First of all, a revolver; there were fellows about our tent last night, creeping and prowling." "I never heard them."

"What competition was that?" asked Sheen. Mr Bevan laughed. "It was a twenty-round contest, sir, for seven-fifty aside and the Light Weight Championship of the World." Sheen looked at him in astonishment. He had always imagined professional pugilists to be bullet-headed and beetle-browed to a man. He was not prepared for one of Mr Joe Bevan's description.

They drank the health of Dr. Bevan's new partner. Mr. Gaythorne proposed the toast himself. Just as we left the dining-room I noticed that Greta detained Alwyn, and they did not follow upstairs for quite a quarter of an hour, but of course Marcus and I took no notice. They both looked a little bit excited when they came in.

"They're not likely to be onfriendly," observed Flinders, "for there's only five o' them altogither, an' wan o' them's only a bit of a boy an' another looks uncommon like a wo " He had got thus far when he was checked by Paul Bevan's exclaiming, with a look of intense surprise, "Why, that's Betty! or her ghost!" Flinders's astonishment was too profound to escape in many words.

Bevan's compliments, had been solemnly placed before her was the most atrocious of all the abominations which the company had assembled to denounce! "It was sent back to me," said Mr. Bevan, "as though it were the plague in person. It's a pity that you and I can't eat it together. I'd ask you to dinner if only I were sure of my new cook. My last cook was with me for twenty years.

Its origin became clear to her as Ralph Bevan's words shot into her mind: "I don't want to spoil him for you." She foresaw a possible intimacy in which Horatio Bysshe Waddington would become the unique though unofficial tie between them. She was aware that it pleased her to share a secret jest with Ralph Bevan.