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Anyway, I am certain that he will behave himself after this." "How I wish I could go, too," Nell remarked, as she played with her left hand in the yielding sand. "But I am only a woman, and must remain behind." "You have a noble work to do here, Nell. Your father needs your care, and, besides, the thought of you will cheer and encourage me. And I shall need your prayers as well.

"Preston, I don't think the poor would hate that kind of thing so, if the rich people behaved right." "How do you think rich people ought to behave?" said Preston gravely, turning over the engravings. Daisy's old puzzle came back on her; she was silent. "Common people always hate the uncommon, Daisy. Now what next? Ah! here is what will do. This is beautiful." "What is it?" "Portia and Bassanio.

I had enough of that sort of thing in the ship. If we don't behave well, the first thing Fluxion will do will be to put us on salt horse and hard bread." "We won't do anything yet. In my opinion, we shall go into port in a day or two." At eight bells the starboard watch were piped to dinner, being relieved by the port watch.

Greville tells us that "the Tories are in great consternation at the King's approaching death," because they fear that the new sovereign is not likely to make any advances to them, while "the Whigs, to do them justice, behave with great decency; whatever they may really feel, they express a very proper concern, and I have no doubt Melbourne really feels the concern he expresses."

As he neatly puts it, the Irishman, no matter what his station in life may be, or how great a blackguard he may really be, always instinctively knows when he ought to behave like a gentleman, and knows how to do so. In the lakes were hundreds of wild fowl. The sky was a sky of Constable silvery-white clouds, floating athwart a dome of clear Italian blue.

"I'll cheer you up. You know you neednt tell the governor until to-morrow." "I had rather go alone, if you intend to behave as you did before." "Never fear. I'm as sober as a judge now. Come along. Away with melancholy! Youll have Douglas for a brother-in-law before this time next year." This seemed to have been in the clergyman's mind; for he shook hands with his host more distantly than usual.

Amongst her numerous friends and acquaintances, and amongst the shopkeepers whom she was in the habit of employing, Mad. de Fleury had means of placing and establishing her pupils suitably and advantageously: of this both they and their parents were aware, so that there was a constant and great motive operating continually to induce them to exert themselves, and to behave well.

Certainly her health had suffered. She could not engage in quiet study, still less could rest her mind in solitary musing, as in the old days. Denzil seated himself by her on the sofa. "If you are to suffer in this way, little girl, I shall repent sorely that ever I went in for politics." "How absurd of me! I can't think why I behave so ridiculously!"

He told me that a suspicious character had been hanging about the hall, enquiring for me. I thought it might be you!" "I don't look suspicious, do I?" "You behave suspiciously. You speak to people whom you do not know, and you follow them in the street!..." "Only you, Eleanor. Not anybody else!"

"I left him at Brunswick because he began to behave badly; but he joined me again at Augusta. He had spent nearly all his money, and did not know what to do. I pitied him, and meant to do something to help him out of the scrape." "Generous as ever! I have heard all about this before." "Indeed; who told you?" "Tom Spicer himself." "Tom?" asked Bobby, completely mystified.