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And sometimes he went down-stairs to listen to a song and to tell the singer that her high b-flat was unmistakably easier. There was no great harm in that, to be sure. But the witch, baleful creature that she was, took a hint and hatched a wicked plot. They had a bond, you see. They faced the same adventure.

Love of music was not one of the Honorable William Linder's attributes. An irascible temper was. Of all instruments the B-flat trombone possesses the most nerve-jarring tone. The master of the mansion leaped from his restful chair. Where his feet had ornamented the coping his face now appeared. Far out he leaned, and roared at the musician below.

Mr Finsbury, he said aloud; and Michael, without rising, turned upon him a countenance somewhat flushed, encircled with the bush of the red whiskers, and bestridden by the spectacles. 'Capriccio in B-flat on the departure of a friend, said he, continuing his noiseless evolutions. Indignation awoke in the mind of Pitman. 'Those spectacles were to be mine, he cried.

He made his first public appearance in America, in the double capacity of pianist and composer, at a Kneisel Quartet concert in Chickering Hall, Boston, on November 19, 1888, playing the Prelude, Intermezzo, and Presto from his first piano suite, and, with Kneisel and his associates, the piano part in Goldmark's B-flat Quintet. He was cordially received, and Mr.

"Um m," muttered Average Jones discontentedly. "When did you begin to play in the street?" "After a long time. He take me away to Brooklyn and tell me, 'When you see the feet iss in the window you play hard!" There was a long pause. Then Average Jones asked casually: "Did you ever notice a big easy chair here?" "I do not notice nothing. I play my B-flat trombone."

In the third measure of the fifth line, the singer very plainly vocalizes a half step from F to E. The second and fourth lines also show semitones, though these are not so distinctly given on the record as the other example. In the last measure of the third line there is a modulation into the tonality of B-flat which carries through two measures.

It is formed mostly of the four tones D-flat, E-flat, A-flat, and B-flat. All of these belong to the pentatonic major scale of D-flat. This gives a very marked pentatonic flavor, yet the song is not in the pentatonic scale, for the singer introduces half steps, and there are no such intervals in the pentatonic scale.

It was the year of the Exposition, and MacDowell and his mother attended a festival concert at which Nicholas Rubinstein played in memorable style Tchaikovsky's B-flat minor piano concerto. His performance was a revelation to the young American. "I never can learn to play like that if I stay here," he said resolutely to his mother, as they left the concert hall. Mrs.

"Well, if I needed an accomplice," said Average Jones thoughtfully, "I wouldn't want any better one than a half-witted man. Did he play well?" "Atrociously. And if you know what a soul-shattering blare exudes from a B-flat trombone " Mr. Waldemar lifted expressive hands. Within Average Jones' overstocked mind something stirred at the repetition of the words "B-flat trombone."

Are you a B-flat trombone player?" "I collect 'em," said Average Jones. "References?" said the old lady abruptly and with suspicion. "All varieties," replied her prospective lodger cheerfully. "I will bring 'em to-morrow with my grip."