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"Revolution, I suppose;" responded Deane calmly, mid turning to his nearest neighbor, he continued in the first French that came to him, "Une autre révolution, n'est-ce-pas, Monsieur?"

"I do not remember ever before to have heard the saying, whether of Talleyrand or of any one else, That all the world is a wiser man than any man in the world. Had it been said even by the Devil, it would nevertheless be false. I have often indeed heard the saying, On peut etre plus FIN qu'un autre, mais pas plus FIN que tous les autres. But observe that 'fin' means cunning, not wise.

Philip Hale mentions a letter from Balzac to his Countess Hanska, dated March 15, 1841, which concludes: "George Sand did not leave Paris last year. She lives at Rue Pigalle, No. 16...Chopin is always there. Elle ne fume que des cigarettes, et pas autre chose" Mr. Hale states that the italics are in the letter. So much for De Lenz and his fidibus! I am impelled here to quote from Mr.

They are few, and they suffer from a certain hardness of touch; Jacques de Choudens had, as yet, a deeper acquaintance with life than with literature; but they breathe a spirit of high and romantic heroism. Let the sonnet called "Autre Prière" be offered as an example:

'L'esprit d'une nation et le caractere de sa langue, a ecrit G. de Humboldt, 'sont si intimement lies ensemble, que si l'un etait donne, l'autre devrait pouvoir s'en deduire exactement. La langue n'est autre chose que la manifestation exterieure de l'esprit des peuples; leur langue est leur esprit, et leur esprit est leur langue, de telle sorte qu'en developpant et perfectionnant l'un, ils developpent et perfectionnent necessairement l'autre.

Did they but request her to "cherchez un autre blankette!" or fry an additional egg, up went her hands, her eyes and her shoulders, and such a tirade of excited French was visited upon them that they soon forebore asking her for anything but went about helping themselves.

«Mais il est indifférent pour mes vues que ces vastes ouvertures soient l'effet des courans d'eau, ou de toute autre cause. Ce que je me propose, est uniquement de montrer qu'elles sont d'autant plus profondes et plus vastes, que ces terrains sont immensément hauts

Of course there are women to whom nature has been niggardly in the matter of roundness of form, but even these need not despair; if they cannot show their own busts, they can show something nearly as good, since we read the following, which we forbear to translate: "Autre excentricité. C'est l'invention des poitrines adhérentes

'Ausi soitenquis de ceux que felonise-ment en temps de pees eient a litre blees ou autre messons ars, et ceux que ser-rount de ceo alteyniz, soient ars issint que eux soient punys par mesme cele chose dount ils pecherent. Fleia, L. I. c. 37. is a copy of Bracton.

Afin que si quelque roi ou prince chrétien vouloit entreprendre la conquête de Jérusalem et y conduire par terre une armée, ou si quelque noble homme vouloit y voyager, les uns et les autre pussent connoître, depuis le duché de Bourgogne jusqu'