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Even the weak soul who passes his days in singing is stirred by the cry, and, as he says, is 'ready to go forth to the battle' If 'twere only a battle, it would be a thing understood by us all, and easily managed; but I have heard that when such shrieks are atween heaven and 'arth, it betokens another sort of warfare!"

"I know it," said the deacon; "but I have said I will do it." "What upon 'arth for?" said Uncle Jaw. "To make peace," said the deacon, "and to let you know that when I say it is better to give up one's rights than to quarrel, I mean so. I am an old man; my children are dead" his voice faltered "my treasures are laid up in heaven; if I can make the children happy, why, I will.

It's my belief if you hadn't got de water dat day to throw in my face, I should never have come round again; and so, Clump, here, take dis coat, I'll gub tur you to r'member dis fite. And now dese gemmen laff at deir gran'pa's coat! but black Clump, ole nigger, lub it! Yaas, he'll lub it till he's 'posited in de bowels ob de arth."

But when thar' come a half lull so't we could see, and we looked out and seen him risin' on the wave, grippin' that other one, in spite o' hope I scurse believed my eyes, and what a shout they sent up from that boat! "Ay, thar' they was, for sure, but God, how fur away! Not much for common weather, but then they looked as fur to me as 'arth from heaven.

"I see but little difference whether a man gets his peltry by the rifle or by the trap," said the ill-looking companion of the emigrant, in his rough manner. "The 'arth was made for our comfort; and, for that matter, so ar' its creatur's." "I hope you ar' better off for skins."

'Arth is in an etarnal round, the goodness of God bringing back the pleasant when we've had enough of the onpleasant. But it's not so with good looks.

Van Brunt; I have been looking for it with no little anxiety, I assure you." "Looking for it! Why, how on 'arth! you wouldn't see the biggest house ever was built half a yard off such a plaguy night as this." "I thought I should see the light from the windows, Mr. Van Brunt." "The light from the windows! the storm rattled so agin' the windows, that mother made me pull the great shutters to.

Here has the Lord laid his hand, in the midst of the howling wilderness, for their good, and raised a fountain of water from the bowels of the 'arth, that might laugh at the richest shop of apothecary's ware in all the colonies; and see! the knaves have trodden in the clay, and deformed the cleanliness of the place, as though they were brute beasts, instead of human men."

The sweat stood in drops on his forehead, but still the bow snapped and crinkled, and the instrument continued to burst in musical explosions, while the floor shook, the windows rattled, and the lamps flared and fluttered, as the dancers chased the music on. "Heavens and arth!" said the Trapper.

I have had many suitors, Deerslayer nay, scarce an unmarried trapper or hunter has been in at the Lake these four years, who has not offered to take me away with him, and I fear some that were married, too " "Ay, I'll warrant that!" interrupted the other "I'll warrant all that! Take 'em as a body, Judith, 'arth don't hold a set of men more given to theirselves, and less given to God and the law."