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"Matthew," she said, "you are a romantic and I am the only person in the world who knows it." "You are the only person in the world with whom I am in love." "For the moment." "How practical you are!" he teased, "full of forethought and arrière pensées. Isn't the moment the capture of the divine?"

"Why will he not accept the smallest favour from me?" Adela Branston asked plaintively. "He ought to know that there is no arrière pensée in any offer which I make him that I have no wish except for his welfare. Why does he not trust me a little more?" "He will do so in future, I think, Mrs. Branston," Gilbert answered gravely.

On the contrary, the project of Imperial Federation, without any arriere pensée, clearly and distinctly involves the condition, that the Colonies themselves are to take their adequate part, and share with the Mother Country in its future concrete constitution.

Do you think it was a real love-match, his marriage with Miss Halliday? No arriere pensee no looking out for the main chance at the bottom of his romantic attachment, eh, Di?" "No, papa. I am sure there was never truer love than his. I saw him under most trying circumstances, and I can pledge myself for the truth of his devotion." "I am very glad to hear it.

She used, without a trace of arrière pensée, a phrase she could not have bettered had she tried to convey to Gwen her distress at hearing she was a plaguy old cat. Then she suddenly saw its possible import, and would have liked to withdraw it. "Only I would not seek to be home again, my dear, when I am near you." She trembled in her eagerness to get this said, and not to say it wrong.

We were in high favor; and when we took leave at the door, with a very cordial shake hands, it was with no arrière pensée we promised to see them in the morning.

Therefore, at the moment when Gering was pressing Iberville hard, the Frenchman suddenly, with a trick of the Italian school, threw his left leg en arriere and made a lunge, which ordinarily would have spitted his enemy, but at the critical moment one word came ringing clearly through the locked door. It was his own name, not Iberville, but "Pierre! Pierre!"

I think indeed more needed, to furnish statements from the present points, the added arriere, and the unspeakably immenser vistas of to-day.

We have the following description of the Cascade Mountain, p. 396. «Les couches de cette montagne sont la continuation des couches supérieures du rocher de la cascade, et forment des arcs concentriques, tournés en sens contraire; en sorte que la totalité de ces couches a la forme d'une S, dont la partie supérieure se recourbe fort en arrière.

The tint was the normal grey-green, not unlike that of the traps in arriere plan. The clumps sheltered goats, sheep, and camels; and our mules now revel every day on green meat, growing fatter and fatter upon the Aristida grass, the Panicum, the Hordeum murinum, and the Bromus of many varieties.