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Somewhat should be decayed for effect's sake; and those parts only left which are strikingly beautiful, or of a leading and important nature. The Arena, which we next visited, is perhaps more consonant to this standard than the Maison Carrée.

He retained still less of those half-patriotic, half-selfish hopes, which in countries of free constitution allure every youth of talent into the political arena, and which he too like all others probably at one time felt. In such a life as his was, oscillating between passionate intoxication and more than sober awaking, illusions are speedily dissipated.

How can you give me such opposite advice? And my own heart? why have the gods struck it dumb? Time was when it spoke loudly enough if ever I was in doubt. One thing I know for certain: if by the sacrifice of my life I could undo it all, I would joyfully cast myself before the lions and panthers, like the Christian maiden whom my mother saw smiling radiantly as she was led into the arena.

To bear with life even when illusion and hope are gone; to accept this position of perpetual war, while at the same time loving only peace; to stay patiently in the world, even when it repels us as a place of low company, and seems to us a mere arena of bad passions; to remain faithful to one's own faith without breaking with the followers of the false gods; to make no attempt to escape from the human hospital, long-suffering and patient as Job upon his dung hill this is duty.

"I have lost all my relations, my country, and everything, and I am here a stranger and little better than a slave, and yet life seems not so unpleasant to me. In time this grief will be healed, and you will be happy again." "I am sure I should never have been happy, Beric, if she had died in the arena. I should always have had it before my eyes I should have dreamt of it.

I congratulated myself, I can tell you, when I heard the people shout that you were free of the arena, for if by any chance we had been drawn against each other, I might as well have laid down my net and asked you to finish me at once without trouble." "It was but a happy thought, Porus: if a man could be caught in a net, why not a lion blinded in a cloak? That once done the rest was easy."

"The old Stamm Schloss," he muttered, "a foot on the old soil once more! and an entrance into the great arena with hands unfettered. Is it possible! is it? is it?" At this moment the door-bell of the apartment rang, and a servant whom Graham had hired at Paris as a laquais de place announced "Ce Monsieur."

Then she rose with dignity and passed to another table where a broad, flat, commonplace hand lay ready. "Well?" Mrs. Tweksbury pounced into the arena like a released gladiator. "What do you make of it, Ken?" Raymond laughed. He saw that Mrs. Tweksbury was more impressed than she cared to acknowledge.

The fact that Kerensky's predecessor, Guchkov, had to appear at a convention of soldiers' delegates and explain and defend his policies showed that discipline was at a low ebb. It brought the army into the arena of politics and made questions of military strategy subject to political maneuvering. The Declaration of Soldiers' Rights was a further step along a road which inevitably led to disaster.

The ruddy light in the arena dazzled them and they half closed their eyes as if dazed. Some stretched their yellowish bodies lazily; some, opening their jaws, yawned, one might have said that they wanted to show their terrible teeth to the audience. But later the odor of blood and torn bodies, many of which were lying on the sand, began to act on them.