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Updated: January 9, 2025

In the year 1495, whilst living with Aldovrandi at Bologna, as Condivi tells us, Michael Angelo, for the sum of thirty ducats, completed the drapery of a San Petronio, begun by Nicolo di Bari on the arca or shrine of San Domenico, and carved the very beautiful and highly finished statuette of an angel holding a candlestick, still to be seen there.

But it gives the strong box itself, the fund, the bank, from whence only revenues can arise amongst a people sensible of freedom: Posita luditur arca. Cannot you in England; cannot you at this time of day; cannot you, a House of Commons, trust to the principle which has raised so mighty a revenue, and accumulated a debt of near 140 millions in this country?

Bonino da Campione, the Milanese, who may have had a hand in the Arca di S. Agostino, carved the tomb of Can Signorio. That of Mastino II. was executed by another Milanese, Perino. See Trucchi, Poesie Italiane inedite, vol. ii. See the Illustrated work, Il Tabernacolo della Madonna d'Or sammichele, Firenze, 1851.

Scalaria was found at Valparaiso; Arca, at Iquique, in latitude 20, by Mr. Column 2. Latitudes, in which found fossil on the coasts of Chile and Peru. Column 3. Southernmost latitude, in which found living on the west coast of South America. Bulla : 30 to 43 30 : 12 near Lima. Cassis : 34 : 1 37. Fusus : 30 and 43 30 : 23 Mexillones; reappears at the St. of Magellan.

Arca, perhaps A. Gabrielis, d'Orbigny, "Pal. Franc." Mr. Pentland made a collection of shells from this same spot, and Von Buch considers them as consisting of: Trigonia, resembling in form T. costata. Pholadomya, like one found by M. Dufresnoy near Alencon. Isocardi excentrica, Voltz., identical with that from the Jura.

Travellers who have visited the churches of Pavia and Milan, after studying the shrine, or arca as Italians call it, of S. Dominic at Bologna, must have noticed the ascendency of Pisan style in these three Lombard towns, and have felt how widely Niccola's creative genius was exercised. Traces of the same influence may perhaps be observed in the tombs of the Scaligers at Verona.

"Sotto le colonne, il predetto stilobate si muta leggiadramente in piedistallo, poi con bella novita di pensiero e di effetto va coronato da un fregio il piu gentile che veder si possa" &c. "Non puossi lasciar senza un cenno l' arca dove sta chiuso il doge; capo lavoro di pensiero e di esecuzione," etc.

Populus me sibilat; at mihi plaudo Ipse domi, simul ac nummos contemplor in arca. That private ipse plaudo he may have in this business, which is a business of money; but the applause of no other human creature will he have for giving such an account as he admits this to be, irregular, uncertain, problematical, and of which no one can make either head or tail.

The uncle and nephew walked together, the mendicant about a step and a half behind, just near enough for his patron to speak to him by a slight inclination of his neck, and without the trouble of turning round. "And so it is your opinion," said he to the mendicant, "that this windfall this arca auri, as Plautus has it, will not greatly avail Sir Arthur in his necessities?"

The Acephala found living in the Littoral zone of the south-east Australian province were Cleidotherus chamoides, under rocks at low-water in Port Jackson; Mytilus erosus on the mud of zostera flats at Port Dalrymple, several species of Venus, Tapes, Cytherea in similar localities; Arca globata in the same habitat at Brisbane; Arca fuscata in reefs at Port Dalrymple; a new Tellina on mud at Port Phillip; another with Donax epidermia in sand at Broken Bay, and Clavagella australis on rocks at low-water, Port Jackson.

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