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Nous aurons le temps de les faire egorger apres. It is difficult to suppose that there should exist a preconceived intention on the part of Prussia to repay the sacrifices hitherto made, although without a very brilliant accompaniment of success, by the Italian government in support of the alliance, by making her own separate terms with Austria and leaving Italy subsequently exposed to the vengeance of the latter, but such would certainly be the inference to be drawn from the conversation just quoted.

Après la vallée d'Hébron nous en traversâmes une autre fort grande, près de laquelle on montre la montagne saint Jean Baptiste fit sa pénitence. De l

«Comme dans ce moment cette entreprise est absolument impraticable, nous suivons la branche gauche de la vallée, et après deux heures de marche sur le glacier des bois, nous en sortons au pied de celui du Taléfre, c'est-

He was enslaved by his vices, and by those who pandered to them; and he could not act either the king or the man. Seeing the dangers, but feeling his impotence, he affected levity, and exclaimed to his courtiers Apres nous le deluge, a prediction which only uncommon sagacity could have prompted.

We were repeatedly called upon to coincide, at the very instant of flagellation, with the verdict pronounced against the youthful offender. "S'il est assez mechant, lui? Ah, mesdames, what do you think of one who goes forth dry, with clean sabots, that I, myself, have washed, and behold him returned, apres un tout p'tit quart d'heure, stinking with filth?

Now go ahead, lad, and tell me what ye know, while I pull on my leggins." "Vell, dey be alive, as I have say. Mais dey not live long." Gibault said this with such a look of woebegone despair that Bounce paused in the midst of his dressing and said with much anxiety "Wot's wrong? why not, lad?" "'Cause dey vill be tortured to death demain, or de day apres de morrow.

Their murmurs rose to violent protest on behalf of the poilu. "C'est un heros, tout de meme. Cinq mois dans les tranches! C'est affreux! Mais oui, il est soul, mais pour quoi pas! Apres cinq mois sur le front qu'est-ce que cela signifie? Ca n'a aucune importance!" A dandy French officer of Chasseurs Alpins stepped into the center of the scene and tapped the policeman on the shoulder.

To enable the reader to form a notion of what these blocks are, I shall farther give what our author has said in describing this place where they are found. «C'est après avoir quitté le terrain volcanique, c'est dans le terrain granitique que j'ai trouvé des blocs énormes de granit, qui ont fixé mon attention.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Lane. I'll do my best to help keep her here, so long, at least, as I stay myself. 'Aprés cel

Young favor is easily acquired if the proper means are employed; and, when acquired, it is warm, if not durable; and the warm moments must be snatched and improved. 'Quitte pour ce qui en pent arriver apres'. Do not mention this view of mine for you to any one mortal; but learn to keep your own secrets, which, by the way, very few people can do.