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Having thus spoke unto him, I caus'd a fowling-peece & 2 ketles, 3 coats, 4 sword-blades, 4 tranches, 6 graters, 6 dozen of knives, 10 axes, 10 fathom of tobacco, 2 coverlets for women, 3 capps, some Powder & shott, & said unto the salvage my adopted father, in presence of his allies that were ther present, "Heere is that will cure the wound & dry away tears, which will make men live.

Vol. 1. (page 163.) «Les tranches nues et escarpées des grandes couches du petit et surtout du grande Saleve, présentent presque partout les traces les plus marquées du passage des eaux, qui les ont rongées et excavées, on voit sur ces rochers, des sillons

It was a long and not very easy shot, but the pigeon came whirling down through the tranches with a broken pinion. "You are unlucky in your selection, Captain Forrester," the successful shot remarked, coolly. "You might have won a heavy stake by laying the same odds all day." "It serves you right," interposed Guy, "for speaking to a man on his shot.

To Goethe he now said that in art, as in politics, there should be rule and ordered beauty; apropos of the drama imitated from Shakspere, which mingles tragedy and comedy, the terrible with the burlesque, he expressed surprise that a great mind like Goethe's did not like clean-cut models "N'aime pas les genres tranchés."

Their murmurs rose to violent protest on behalf of the poilu. "C'est un heros, tout de meme. Cinq mois dans les tranches! C'est affreux! Mais oui, il est soul, mais pour quoi pas! Apres cinq mois sur le front qu'est-ce que cela signifie? Ca n'a aucune importance!" A dandy French officer of Chasseurs Alpins stepped into the center of the scene and tapped the policeman on the shoulder.

Elles sont situés au bas de Grande Saleve du coté qui regarde notre vallée; on les voit appliquées contre les tranches inférieures des bancs horizontaux ou très-inclinées en appui contre la montagne.