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The second ball landed full-pitch on the batsman's right thigh. The third was another full pitch, this time on the top of the middle stump, which it smashed. With profound satisfaction the batsman hobbled to the trees, and sat down. "Let somebody else have a shot," he said kindly. Appleby's made twenty-eight that innings.

"I wonder if Appleby's found out that it was Sam who poisoned his horses, and set the hay on fire?" "That's it, I believe," said George. "That's why I came to tell Tom. You're cleared all right now, old man." His chums looked at him, but Tom only shook his head. "No such luck," he said in disappointed tones.

"In Farmer Appleby's barn," was the calm rejoinder. "I picked it up just by chance, but it may mean something big." "What?" cried Jack. "You don't mean to say you've been around there?" "Surely. Why not?" "Why, he might think you wanted to do away with the rest of his horses." "He didn't see me. I took care of that. Besides that's the only place where I can consistently look for clews.

There was a full moon, and where he stood he could be seen distinctly from the windows of both houses. They were all dark, it is true, but on these occasions it was best to take no risks. He dropped cautiously into Appleby's garden, ran lightly across it, and was in the lane within a minute.

He chaffed Dunstable genially about his prospectus, and admitted that it had amused him. Dunstable smiled without enjoyment. It was a good thing, perhaps, that Mr. Appleby saw the humorous rather than the lawless side of the Trust; but all the quips in the world could not save that institution from ruin. Presently Mr. Appleby's manner changed.

I was glad to see they tried you for Oxford, though you didn't get your blue. You'll be in next year all right. Good night." The two Old Wrykinians walked along the road towards Donaldson's. It was a fine night, but misty. "Jove, I'm quite tired," said Clowes. "Hullo!" "What's up?" They were opposite Appleby's at the moment. Clowes drew him into the shadow of the fence.

Appleby's remarks: 'The boy has genuine ability, which he declines to use in the smallest degree." Mike moaned a moan of righteous indignation. "'An abnormal proficiency at games has apparently destroyed all desire in him to realize the more serious issues of life. There is more to the same effect." Mr.

The only other Wrykinians with whom Sheen was known to be friendly were Stanning and Attell, of Appleby's. And here those who troubled to think about it wondered still more, for Sheen, whatever his other demerits, was not of the type of Stanning and Attell.

Appleby's special I hoped to overtake and pass him before he reached New York. I thus expected to be on hand to welcome and arrest him at his journey's end, and by so doing relieve you of all suspicion of being anything but the honest plucky lad you have proved yourself. At the same time I looked forward to taking some of the conceit out of that young sprig of a secretary.

"Well," he said, "you played a very decent innings this afternoon, and I suppose you're frightfully pleased with yourself, eh? Well, mind you don't go getting swelled head. See? That's all. Run along." Mike departed, bursting with fury. The next link in the chain was forged a week after the Gentlemen of the County match. House matches had begun, and Wain's were playing Appleby's.