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I may not love thee, I another's wife; Thou mayst not love me, thou hast wedded heaven. We cannot be together in this world; I cannot live alone and know thee here. And thou art troubled! I for beneath that garb Thy heart beats ever hot with love for me; For love will not be quell'd by monkish vows.

How much better for you, as seller, and the Nation, as buyer, to sell out and buy out that without which the War could never have been, than to sink both the thing to be sold and the price of it in cutting one another's throats! "I do not speak of Emancipation at once, but of a decision at once to Emancipate gradually.

In the small towns and villages where there was little destitution, and where all knew one another's needs, there was no special need of scientific investigation or charitable organization, but in the large cities it became necessary. Thomas Chalmers in Scotland and Edward Denison and Octavia Hill in England demonstrated the conditions and the advantages of organized effort.

Carleton, "while that puff of smoke would lead one person's imagination only down the chimney to the kitchen fire, it would take another's where did yours go?" said he suddenly turning round upon her. Fleda met his eye again, without speaking; but her look had perhaps more than half revealed her thought, for she was answered with a smile so intelligent and sympathetic that she was abashed.

He shrugged his shoulders with an air of distinct dissatisfaction. "Even if it is a purely private matter we are surely good friends enough to be cognisant of one another's secrets," he remarked. "Of course," I replied dubiously. "But only up to a certain point." "Then, in other words, you imply that you can't trust me?" "I can trust you, Ambler," I answered calmly.

I have, indeed, heard as much of Captain Waring; but one has only once to penetrate beyond the veil of that professional reserve which they assume, and the details of one another's lives are not such guarded secrets, after all." "And you really mean that from them among them you have learned these these " "These particulars of Mr.

He did not think the baseness of this offence lessened by the height of the injury committed; on the contrary, if to steal another's plate deserved death and infamy, it seemed to him difficult to assign a punishment adequate to the robbing a man of his whole fortune, and of his child into the bargain.

Phyll. They who give the first shock to a state, are almost naturally the first overwhelmed in its ruin the fruits of public commotion are seldom enjoyed by him who was the first motor; he beats and disturbs the water for another's net.

Of what use were the gift of gods, The buoyant sweetness of a virgin state, The blossomy delight of youth Ablow with promise of fruit consummate; What use the affluence of song And marvel of delicious motion meet To grace the very revelings of Fawn, Could she not lay them at another's feet? "I am a king's daughter!"

They placed a few sous upon the counter and asked for wine, and drank to Maubert solicitously. Then they all drank together, to one another's good fortune, and to La Patrie. Maubert was at the Front. Near it, that is, but in the First Zone of the Armies and shut off from communication with the rear.