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"I regret to say, sir, that Miss Taylor and I 'ave had a what you might describe, sir, as a bit of a tiff. She hasn't permitted me to speak to her since yesterday morning. It will be quite all right, however, to 'ave Watson 'andle the matter. Thank you, sir."

They think themselves so mighty that they oughtn't to be 'andled like other men. But I'll let 'em know that I'll 'andle 'em. A Cabinet Minister or a cowboy is the same to Quintus Slide when he has got his pen in 'is 'and."

"You can lay to it," said Ditty firmly, "that there's more'n one million in English pounds buried in these here islands. And there's a bunch of it somewheres on this island." "Then, Bug-eye, wye don't we git that map hand dig it hup hourselves on the bloomin' jump? Wye wite? We kin easy 'andle the hafter-guard." "The boys are balkin', that's why," growled Ditty.

"Oh, a pretty fright I have been in! And now to see you coming along as cool as if nothing had happened; as if the humbrella had not lost its hivory 'andle, it's quite purvoking. Dear, dear, what we have gone through! And who is this young gentleman, pray?" Helen whispered some hesitating explanation, which Mrs.

A rig'lar swell I repeats it a astin' arter a young woman by the name o' Mattie. Sus. Hold your tongue, Bill! You'll kill her! You young viper! Hold your tongue, or I'll twist your neck. Don't you see how white she is? Mat. What was he like? Do tell me, Bill. Bill. A long-legged rig'lar swell, with a gold chain, and a cane with a hivory 'andle. Sus.

Brisher's hand shot above his head towards the infinite to indicate it silk hat of the highest. "Umbrella nice umbrella with a 'orn 'andle. Savin's. Very careful I was...." He was pensive for a little while, thinking, as we must all come to think sooner or later, of the vanished brightness of youth. But he refrained, as one may do in taprooms, from the obvious moral.

Our next scene is called "Cheap Labour". 'Ere we see a lot of small boys about twelve and thirteen years old bein' served out with their Labour Stifficats, which gives 'em the right to go to work and earn money to help their unemployed fathers to pay the slum rent. 'Once more we turns the 'andle and brings on one of our finest scenes.

Who are you, impertinence?" she broke off, as a stout man in a light suit of clothes crossed the road and rang the bell, "a-pullin' at the bell as if it were a pump 'andle." As the gentleman at the door, who was none other than Mr. Gorby, did not hear her, he of course did not reply, so she hurried down the stairs, crackling with anger at the rough usage her bell had received. Mr.

If you was to pull that 'andle to the right, it would slide along same as this one. Only I expect there's somebody in the room there. "I rewarded Mr. Towler with half a sovereign, which he evidently thought liberal, and he departed gleefully. Shortly afterwards I learned that he had 'got a stretch' in connection with a 'job' at Camberwell; and he vanished from my ken.

Again we turns the 'andle and presently we comes to another very beautiful scene "Early Morning in Trafalgar Square". 'Ere we see a lot of Englishmen who have been sleepin' out all night because they ain't got no 'omes to go to.