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After that the Paracoussy had receiued vs as I haue sayde, hee commaunded his wife to present mee with a certaine number of bullets of siluer, for his owne part bee presented mee with his bowe and his arrowes, as hee had done vnto Captaine Iohn Ribault in our first voyage, which is a signe of a perpetuall amitie and alliance with those which they honour with suche a kinde of present.

Je me permets cependant de dire que le sentiment que j'ai eu toutes les fois que je me suis transporte par la pensee a votre chambre de malade est bien autrement profond. Mon amitie pour vous est une des affections les plus vives qu'il m'ait ete donne de conserver. Je n'ai rien de plus cher.

Touching the letters which you haue receiued from your louing qbrother our Lord and Master by your ambassadour, therein you perceiue sufficiently my good meaning, in trauailing for the continuance of amitie and friendship betwixt you mighty great princes, in the which I will continue mine endeauour.

This precept, so abhominable in this soveraigne and mistris Amitie, is necessarie and wholesome in the use of vulgar and customarie friendships: toward which a man must employ the saying Aristotle was wont so often repeat, "Oh you my friends, there is no perfect friend."

Je vous remercie infiniment, Monsieur, de votre bonne lettre et de tout ce que vous voulez bien me dire de celui que nous ne cesserons pas de regretter, et qui m'a bien et bien souvent parle de vous et des annees de jeunesse passees avec vous dans une etroite et sincere amitie. Ce souvenir a ete constant dans son coeur!

"I'm glad you never had any taste for the fellow; and I should have been quite as well pleased if I hadn't found you caring for the other." Randolph took refuge in a bland inexpressiveness. There was no need to school his face: he had only to discipline his voice. "Oh, well," he said smoothly, "it's only a passing amitie something soon to be over, perhaps."

She gave a little laugh, repeating the word "how" in English. "Je ne saurais vous dire 'how; mais, enfin, les Anglais ont des idees a eux, en amitie, en amour, en tout. Mais au moins il n'est pas besoin de les surveiller," she added, getting up and trotting away like the compact little pony she was. "Then I hope," murmured I to myself, "you will graciously let alone my letters for the future."

It had come in a moment, wakened into quivering being by the caressive notes of the dear French voice "mais je suis jeune, et mon coeur est gueri, et il lui manque affreusement de la foi, de la tendresse, de de" adorable catch of emotion "de l'amitie." Friendship, indeed! For amitie all but her lips said amour. He walked beneath the wintry stars, a man in a perfect dream.

Kitty turned abruptly, looked at her mother, and at the woman to whom she was to be introduced. "Ah! comme elle est charmante!" cried the actress, with an inflection of irony in her strident voice. "Miladi, il faut absolument que nous nous connaissions. Je connais votre chère mère depuis si longtemps! À Paris, l'hiver passé c'était une amitié des plus tendres!"

And if such port and chosen place of settling were in possession and after fortified by arte, although by the land side our Englishmen were kept in, and might not enioy any traffique with the next neighbours, nor any victuals: yet might they victuall themselues of fish to serue every necessitie, and enter into amitie with the enemies of their next neighbours, and so haue vent of their marchandize of England and also haue victual, or by meanes hereupon to be vsed, to force the next neighbours to amitie.