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"She is my one treasure in this world," Floyd Grandon exclaims with deep fervor. He holds her very tight. She is sobbing hysterically now, but he kisses her with such passionate tenderness, that though her heart still beats with terror, she is not afraid of his anger. The young girl stands in wondering amaze, her velvety brown eyes lustrous with emotion.

On the impulse of an unlucky moment she offered to paint the flower-rack, as Kittie was busy; so rigged in a big torn flat, and a pair of fingerless gloves, she went to work, and painted the bottom first, with flourishing success; but left it out over night, when it rained and splashed her work with mud; then she began over, and did the top first, and then hung the pot on a little hook, and went over the bottom again; but in the midst of her zeal, the pot slipped, turned over, and deluged her head and body with slopping green paint, and would have ruined her eyes, if she hadn't shut them tight with the first gasp of amaze; and when she tried to walk to the house with them closed, the wheel-barrow stood in the way, and over she went, with a shriek of dismay that brought the whole household flying to the spot; after which the afflicted damsel was picked up, and carried tenderly to the kitchen to be worked with.

For the first time he saw the slightest flush of color in her cheeks. It deepened even as he held out his hand again. He knew that it was not embarrassment. It was the heat of the fire back of her eyes. "It's funny," he said, making an effort to redeem himself with a lie and smiling. "You rather amaze me. You see, I have been told this St.

"That wouldn't do, for a fact. Perhaps it would be safer to wait. I've made enough trouble for one day by my blunder-headed thoughtlessness." "Is that what you call rescuing the flag?" "Oh, rescuing!" he said slightingly. "What difference does it make what vermin like that mob do? Just for a whim, to endanger all of you." She stared at him in amaze and suspicion. But he was quite honest.

She opened her deep blue eyes in amaze. "The use of it?... You ask the use of it? "Yes the use of it without love!" he answered, his voice shaken with a sudden emotion "Madonna, forgive me!

Some people might require human sacrifices, but you don't." Kitty looked at her cousin a moment with vague amaze. The grossness of the absurdity flashed upon her, and she felt as if another touch must bring the tears. She said nothing; but Mrs. Ellison, who saw only that she was cut off from her heart's desire of gossip, came to the rescue.

Perhaps he may never return to England." CECILIA. "He is in England now, and in London." LADY GLENALVON. "You amaze me! Who told you so?" CECILIA. "His father, who is with him. Sir Peter called yesterday, and spoke to me so kindly." Cecilia here turned aside her face to conceal the tears that had started to her eyes. LADY GLENALVON. "Did Mr. Travers see Sir Peter?"

Lane knew when to unmask a battery. "No, it's in my pocket," he flashed, and with a quick motion he tore out the marriage license and thrust it upon her. As her dark eyes took in the meaning of the paper, and her expression changed, Lane gazed down upon her with a commingling of emotions. "Oh, Daren No No!" she cried, in a wildness of amaze and pain.

"Well, I can only say that my father, who saw him more than once in the street, always told me and I do not know any one who should have known better " "Pshaw, Messer Blondel, you amaze me!" the scholar struck in, rising from his seat and adopting a tone at once contemptuous and dictatorial.

Her motive for the deception must be left to conjecture. In all probability it was only the desire to amaze and terrorize, a desire as was said before, not infrequently operative along similar lines in the case of young people of a lively disposition and morbid imagination.