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He staggered to his feet, dizzy with joy. "Ha!" cried a gruff voice from the doorway, and the guilty ones whirled to look upon the witness to their blissful crime. Inside the curtains, with carbine leveled at the head of the American, stood Allode, the guard, his face distorted by rage. The Princess screamed and leaped between Lorry and the threatening carbine.

Allode has said he did not see you in the throne room. He will die before he will say otherwise," she said, her lips trembling with shame. "By your command?" "By my request. I do not command my men to lie." Side by side they passed down the quiet hall, silent, thoughtful, the strain of death upon their hearts. "I shall obey the only command you have given, then. This day I leave the castle.

With wistful eyes, fainting hearts and voiceless lips five of them watched the day approach, knowing that she would not speak and that Graustark was doomed. Loyal conspirators against that which they loved better than their lives their country were Dangloss, Quinnox, Allode, Ogbot and Dagmar.

Allode, the sturdy guard, swung open the doors, drew the curtain, and stood aside for them to pass. Into the quiet hall she led him, a princess in a gown of gray, a courtier in tweeds. Inside the doors he paused. "And I thought you were Miss Guggenslocker," he said. She laughed with the glee of a child who has charmed and delighted through surprise.

Without waiting to hear his remonstrance, if indeed he had the power to utter one, she glided swiftly toward the curtains, allowing him to follow at his will. Dazed and crushed at the sudden end to everything, he dragged his footsteps after. At the door she spoke in low, imperative tones to the motionless Allode, who dropped to his knees and muttered a reverential response.

"Perhaps I may be poorer after I have saved Graustark," she said. "I would to God I could save you from that!" he said. "I would to God you could," she said. Her manner changed suddenly. She laughed gaily, turning a light face to his. "I hear your friend's laugh out there in the darkness. It is delightfully infectious," "This is the throne room. Allode!"

"Daily as a hostage," he replied, glancing toward the Countess. "That means until the other man is captured," said that young lady, saucily. As he left the castle he gazed at the distant building in the sky and wondered how it had ever been approached in a carriage. She had not told him that Allode drove for miles over winding roads that led to the monastery up a gentler slope from the rear.

The resolute courage with which her spirit had been braced for the occasion was remarkable in more ways than one. Among other inspirations behind the valiant show was the bravery of a guilty conscience. Her composure sustained a shock when she passed Allode at the door.

"Allode!" she cried, in frantic terror. He angrily cried out something in his native tongue and she breathlessly, imploringly replied. Lorry did not understand their words, but be knew that she had saved him from death at the hand of her loyal, erring guard. Allode lowered his gun, bowed low and turned his back upon the throne.

"He is here!" cried a strong voice, and Lorry, breathless and haggard, pushed through the astonished crowd, followed by Captain Quinnox, upon whose ghastly face there were bloodstains. A shout went up from those assembled, a shout of joy. The faces of Dangloss and Allode were pictures of astonishment and it must be said relief.