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The victory was partly won by the shy, blushing beauty of the young German, who seemed the very incarnation of maidenly modesty and innocence, and when she had finished her first song thunders of applause shook the house. Her execution of Rode's variations surpassed even that of Catalani, and "La Petite Allemande" became an instant favorite.

While they talk of the 'betise allemande, they talk of the 'gaucherie anglaise; while they talk of the 'Allemand balourd, they talk of the 'Anglais empetre; while they call the German 'niais, they call the Englishman 'melancolique. The difference between the epithets balourd and empetre exactly gives the difference in character I wish to seize; balourd means heavy and dull, empetre means hampered and embarrassed.

But it is her life that best justifies her renown her life with its purity, its enthusiasm, its zeal for the oppressed, its intense love of knowledge, its vivid sympathies and broad charities, and its constant striving after truth and freedom, and the highest beauty. See the princess's "La Suisse Allemande et l'Ascension du Mönch." 4 vols., 1856.

The HUNGARIANS are very noisy in their dances, with their iron heels, but when they are of an equal size, and dressed in their uniforms, the agility of their steps, and the regularity of dress in the performers, render them not a disagreeable sight. The GERMANS have a dance called the Allemande, in which the men and women form a ring.

"Ne soyez pas honteuse d'être allemande jusqu'aux gaucheries.... Le Français vous estimera plus et fera plus de compte sur vous s'il vous trouve la solidité et la franchise allemande." Maria Teresa to Marie Antoinette. May 8th, 1771, Arneth, i., p. 159. Walpole's letter to Sir H. Mann, June 8th, 1771, v., p. 301. Mercy to Maria Teresa, January 23d, 1772, Arneth, i., p. 265.

Unfortunately, in the process religion has disappeared from Prussian soil, and with the liberating influence of the Christian religion has vanished political liberty. Georges Bourdon, “L’Enigme Allemande,” Librairie Plon, Paris. The present investigation into Franco-German relations conducted on behalf of the Figaro is the work of one of the ablest publicists of modern France.

"CHER MONSIEUR, Excusez mon retard a vous remercier de votre aimable lettre du 16 courant. Nous rentrons a peine et vous savez ce que c'est qu'une rentree en ville. "Hafiz malheureusement n'est pas traduit que je sache en francais. Il en existe une traduction allemande en 3 vol....

Johann Jacob Frohberger, court organist to the Emperor Ferdinand III., portrayed the dangers which he incurred crossing the Rhine in an allemande. To the ear of his contemporaries this portrayal sounded absolutely plain and intelligible. Dietrich Buxtehude described the nature of the planets in seven suites for the piano.

Villeroi Sauce. Make half a pint of white sauce, which, as in the case of béchamel, may be made of fish stock when for use with fish; chop half a dozen mushrooms, and add a gill of the liquor to the sauce, half a saltspoonful of powdered thyme (or one sprig, if fresh), two sprigs of parsley, and half a bay-leaf; simmer for fifteen minutes; strain through a scalded cloth; replace on the fire; add a piece of glaze as large as a hazel-nut, or a tablespoonful of strong meat-gravy, just enough to give it the shade of palest café au lait; thicken with two yolks of eggs, as for Allemande sauce. All articles served with this sauce are termed