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Your feeling for Natalya Alexyevna was known to me.... Believe me, I have no illusions about myself; I know how little I deserve to supplant you in her heart, but if it was fated this should be, is it made any better by pretence, hypocrisy, and deceit? Is it any better to expose ourselves to misunderstandings, or even to the possibilities of such a scene as took place yesterday at dinner?

'Natalya Alexyevna! he began, in an agitated whisper, 'I wanted to see you.... I could not wait till to-morrow. I must tell you what I did not suspect what I did not realise even this morning. I love you! Natalya's hands trembled feebly in his. 'I love you! he repeated, 'and how could I have deceived myself so long? How was it I did not guess long ago that I love you? And you?

'You must be calm, Natalya Alexyevna, Rudin was beginning; 'we must think together what means

But excuse me, you speak as though for two. Does it follow I am to suppose that Natalya Alexyevna knows of your visit, and the object of it? Rudin was a little taken aback. 'No, I did not communicate my intention to Natalya Alexyevna; but I know she would share my views.

Are you just the same as when I met you first, six weeks ago? No, Natalya Alexyevna, your heart is not free. 'Perhaps not, answered Natalya, hardly audibly, 'but all the same you are mistaken. 'How is that? asked Rudin. 'Let me go! don't question me! replied Natalya, and with swift steps she turned towards the house.

Believe me, the simpler, the narrower the circle in which life is passed the better; the great thing is not to open out new sides, but that all the phases of life should reach perfection in their own time. "Blessed is he who has been young in his youth." But I see that this advice applies far more to myself than to you. 'I confess, Natalya Alexyevna, I am very unhappy.

Anna Alexyevna already had two children. When I arrived at the Luganovitchs' the servants smiled cordially, the children shouted that Uncle Pavel Konstantinovitch had come, and hung on my neck; every one was overjoyed. They did not understand what was passing in my soul, and thought that I, too, was happy. Every one looked on me as a noble being.

But there's all the difference between word and deed, and you were afraid now, just as you were afraid the day before yesterday at dinner of Volintsev. The colour rushed to Rudin's face. Natalya's unexpected energy had astounded him; but her last words wounded his vanity. 'You are too angry now, Natalya Alexyevna, he began; 'you cannot realise how bitterly you wound me.

"Anna Alexyevna would come out to me with an anxious face, and would ask every time: "'Why is it so long since you have been? Has anything happened? "Her eyes, the elegant refined hand she gave me, her indoor dress, the way she did her hair, her voice, her step, always produced the same impression on me of something new and extraordinary in my life, and very important.

'P.P.S. One last, but important request more; since I am going away, I hope you will not allude before Natalya Alexyevna to my visit to you. 'Well, what do you say to that? asked Volintsev, directly Lezhnyov had finished the letter. 'What is one to say? replied Lezhnyov, 'Cry "Allah! Allah!" like a Mussulman and sit gaping with astonishment that's all one can do.... Well, a good riddance!