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'But the project really was not a bad one, and it might have been of immense service. 'And where did Kurbyev go to? asked Lezhnyov. 'Oh, he is now in Siberia, he has become a gold-digger. And you will see he will make himself a position; he will get on. 'Perhaps; but then you will not be likely to make a position for yourself, it seems. 'Well, that can't be helped!

They incessantly quarrelled, and were inseparable companions. An old pug-dog came out of the gate to meet them. He opened his mouth as if he were going to bark, but ended by yawning and turning back again with a friendly wag of the tail. 'Look here, Sasha, cried Lezhnyov, from the distance, to his wife, 'whom I am bringing you.

'He cold! that fiery soul cold! interrupted Alexandra Pavlovna. 'Yes, cold as ice, and he knows it, and pretends to be fiery. What's bad, pursued Lezhnyov, gradually growing warm, 'he is playing a dangerous game not dangerous for him, of course; he does not risk a farthing, not a straw on it but others stake their soul. 'Whom and what are you talking of?

Lezhnyov watched him attentively; a strange, almost joyful amazement was expressed on Volintsev's face; he let his hands fall by his side. 'What is it? asked Lezhnyov. 'Read it, Volintsev said in a low voice, and handed him the letter. Lezhnyov began to read. This is what Rudin wrote: 'SIR 'I am going away from Darya Mihailovna's house to-day, and leaving it for ever.

Lezhnyov talked of agricultural matters, of a new method of roofing barns with paper.... Suddenly Volintsev leaped up from his chair and struck the table with such force that the cups and saucers rang. 'No! he cried, 'I cannot bear this any longer! I will call out this witty fellow, and let him shoot me, at least I will try to put a bullet through his learned brains!

'P.P.S. One last, but important request more; since I am going away, I hope you will not allude before Natalya Alexyevna to my visit to you. 'Well, what do you say to that? asked Volintsev, directly Lezhnyov had finished the letter. 'What is one to say? replied Lezhnyov, 'Cry "Allah! Allah!" like a Mussulman and sit gaping with astonishment that's all one can do.... Well, a good riddance!

She dried them; but they flowed afresh, like water from a long-pent-up source. On this same day Alexandra Pavlovna had a conversation with Lezhnyov about Rudin. At first he bore all her attacks in silence; but at last she succeeded in rousing him into talk. 'I see, she said to him, 'you dislike Dmitri Nikolaitch, as you did before.

What a rigmarole! Good God! it's worse than poetry! Lezhnyov made no reply, but his eyes were smiling. Volintsev got up. 'I want to go to Darya Mihailovna's, he announced. 'I want to find out what it all means. 'Wait a little, my dear boy; give him time to get off. What's the good of running up against him again? He is to vanish, it seems. What more do you want?

I purposely refrained from questioning you till now; but now you have had time to make up your mind whether there is any change in him, and I want to know why you don't like him. 'Very well, answered Lezhnyov with his habitual phlegm, 'since your patience is exhausted; only look here, don't get angry. 'Come, begin, begin. 'And let me have my say to the end. 'Of course, of course; begin.

But enough of Rudin; let us talk of something else. What of what's his name Pandalevsky? is he still living at Darya Mihailovna's? he concluded, turning to Bassistoff. 'Oh yes, he is still there. She has managed to get him a very profitable place. Lezhnyov smiled. 'That's a man who won't die in want, one can count upon that. Supper was over. The guests dispersed.